Expense Receipts

Form ID: (EP301010)

On this form, you can view filtered lists of expense receipts or generate expense claims that include all listed receipts or only those you select. You can also use this form as a starting point to enter new expense receipts or edit exiting ones. An expense receipt is a document that confirms the expenses that you as an employee have incurred while performing some work for your organization. You may claim all or part of the amount of an expense.

This form is available if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Generates one expense claim or multiple claims in which the selected receipts (that is, those for which the unlabeled check box is selected) are included. Receipts with only the Open status can be claimed.

When you select multiple receipts, multiple claims may be generated, each including receipts with common properties. The system always generates different claims for receipts that have different employees, branches, or customers. You can then view and work with the generated expense claims on the Expense Claims (EP301030) form.

Claim All Generates one expense claim or multiple claims that include all receipts with the Open status listed on the current filter tab.

Selection Area

You use the element in this area to select the employee whose expense receipts you want to manage.

Element Description
Employee The identifier of the employee whose expense receipts you want to manage. The ID of the currently signed-in employee is selected by default. You can also select an employee for whom you are an appointed delegate, or an employee in a workgroup at a lower level in the company tree than your workgroup.


The table on each tab displays a list of expense receipts that belong to you (and to other employees, if you have been appointed as their delegate).

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include the receipt for submission when you click Claim.
Receipt Number The number of the expense receipt.
Date The date of the expense receipt.
Status The status of the receipt, which can be On Hold, Open, Pending Approval, Rejected, or Released.
Description The expense description, which is displayed as a link. You can click the link to open the receipt on the Expense Receipt (EP301020) form, where you can view and edit its details.
Ref. Nbr. The reference number, which usually matches the number of the original receipt.
Claim Amount The part of the total amount to be reimbursed to the employee.
Currency The currency of the expense receipt.
Expense Claim Ref. Nbr. The reference number of the expense claim (if any) with which the receipt is associated.
Claimed By The name of the employee who is claiming the expenses.
Created By The ID of the employee who registered the receipt.
Table 2. Table Filter TabsThe expense receipts are listed on a default set of filter tabs, each with a table that displays records filtered by their status. In these tables, the receipts that belong to the employee selected in the Employee box in the Selection area are displayed; if the Employee box is empty, all receipts to which you have access are displayed (see Expense Receipts for details about access to expense receipts).
Filter Description
All Records Displays the complete list of expense receipts, regardless of their status. The tab is opened by default when you open the form.
On Hold Displays only the receipts that have the On Hold status.
Pending Approval Displays only the receipts that have the Pending Approval status.
To Be Claimed Displays only the unclaimed receipts that have the Open status.
Rejected Displays only the receipts that have the Rejected status.
Completed Displays only the receipts that have the Released status.