Expense Claims

Form ID: (EP301030)

On this form, you can view lists of existing expense claims and submit them for approval. You can also use this form as a starting point to enter new expense receipts or edit exiting ones. Employees use expense claims to claim expenses that they have incurred while performing some work for their organization.

This form is available if the Expense Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Submit Submits the selected claim for approval. When you invoke this action, the system changes the status of the claim to Pending Approval (if approval is required) or Open (if no approval is required).

You can use this action with claims that have the On Hold status.

For more details, see Expense Claim Approval.

Selection Area

You use the element in this area to select the employee whose claims you want to manage.

Element Description
Employee The identifier of the employee whose claims you want to manage. The ID of the currently signed-in employee is selected by default. You can also select an employee for whom you are an appointed delegate, or an employee in a workgroup at a lower level in the company tree than your workgroup.


The table on each tab displays a list of expense claims that belong to the selected employee.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Date The date when the claim was entered.
Reference Nbr. The unique reference number of the expense claim document, which the system assigns based on the numbering sequence specified for claims on the Time and Expenses Preferences (EP101000) form. This number is displayed as a link that you can select to open the Expense Claim (EP301000) form, from which you can view and edit the details of the particular claim.
Status The current status of the expense claim, which is set by the system and can be one of the following options:
  • On Hold: The claim is a draft and cannot be released.
  • Pending Approval: An authorized user needs to approve the claim. When the claim is approved, the status changes to Approved.
  • Approved: The claim has been approved.
  • Rejected: The claim has not been approved.
  • Released: The claim has been approved and then an Accounts Payable bill in the employee's name has been generated.
Description The description specified for the claim.
Claim Total The total amount of the claim, which is calculated as the sum of the amounts in the Claim Amount column for all the lines specified for the claim, with taxes applied.
Currency The currency of the claim.
Claimed By The employee who is claiming the expense. If the claim is released, an Accounts Payable bill will be generated to this employee.
Created By The name of the user who created the expense claim.
Department ID The department associated with the expense claim.
Approval Date The date when the claim was approved.
Table 2. Table Filter TabsThe expense claims are listed on a default set of filter tabs, each with a table that displays records filtered by their status. In these tables, the claims that belong to the employee selected in the Employee box in the Selection area are displayed; if the Employee box is empty, all claims to which you have access are displayed (see Expense Claims for details about access to expense claims).
Filter Description
All Records Displays the complete list of expense claims, regardless of their status. The tab is opened by default when you open the form.
On Hold Displays only the claims that have the On Hold status.
Pending Approval Displays only the claims that have the Pending Approval status.
Approved Displays only the claims that have the Approved status.
Rejected Displays only the claims that have the Rejected status.
Completed Displays only the claims that have the Released status.