
Form ID: (CS209010)

You use this form to create, edit, delete, and manage filters that are shared among all users of the system. Some inquiry or processing forms may display a great deal of information, making it difficult for users to find the data they generally need. For example, if a specific inquiry form displays transactions in a table on dozens of pages but users need to see only the most recent transactions, you can apply a default filter to the table that would display only transactions for the past three days. For more information, see Filtering and Sorting in MYOB Acumatica.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Make Filter Not Shared Makes the selected filter available on the form it applies to for only the user who created it. This button appears when you select an existing filter or after you save a new filter.

Summary Area

You can use this area to create a new filter or to select an existing filter to view or edit its details.

Element Description
Filter ID The unique identifier of the filter. For a new filter, leave this box blank; once the filter is saved, the system will insert its name in this box as a ID.
Name The name of the filter. For a new filter, enter a name that describes the type of data that is shown with this filter.
Screen ID The form to which the filter will be applied.
View The table on the form (selected in the Screen ID box) that the filter is to be applied to. Filters can be applied to the data in tables only. If the selected form has multiple tables, they will be displayed in a drop-down list in this box.
Is Default A check box that you select to make the filter the default filter for the selected table.


This table contains the filter conditions. Conditions are created with respect to the data available on the form selected in the Summary area. A filter may contain multiple simple conditions or lines combined into one logical expression with brackets and logical operators (And and Or).

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the condition is active for the selected form and table on the form.
Brackets A group of opening brackets to group logical conditions.
Property The property associated with the system graph and particular table.
Condition The logical operation to apply to the value of the selected property. The following options are available:
  • Equals: Displays records where the value of the specified property is equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Does Not Equal: Displays records where a value of the specified property is not equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Greater Than: Displays records where a value of the specified property is greater than the value in the Value box.
  • Is Greater Than or Equal To: Displays records where a value of the specified property is greater than or equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Less Than: Displays records where a value of the specified property is less than the value in the Value box.
  • Is Less Than or Equal To: Displays records where a value of the specified property is less than or equal to the value in the Value box.
  • Is Between: Displays records where a value of the specified property is between values in the Value and Value2 boxes.
  • Contains: Displays records where a value of the specified property (string) contains the value in the Value box.
  • Does Not Contain: Displays records where a value of the specified property (string) does not contain the value in the Value box.
  • Ends With: Displays records where a value of the specified property ends with the same character or string as the value in the Value box contains.
  • Starts With: Displays records where a value of the specified property contains at the beginning the value in the Value box.
  • Is Empty: Displays records where a value of the specified property is empty (null).
  • Is Not Empty: Displays records where a value of the specified property is not empty (not null).
  • Is In (for values of the user type): Displays records where a value of the specified property (a user) is included in the workgroup selected in the Value box. You can use this parameter with the @MyGroups and @MyWorktree clauses.
  • Is Not In (for values of the user type): Displays records where a value of the specified property (a user) is not included in the workgroup selected in the Value box. You can use this parameter with the @MyGroups and @MyWorktree clauses.

The following conditions are obsolete and were reserved for compatibility with previous versions of MYOB Acumatica. We recommend that you use date-relative clauses instead of these conditions (for details, see Managing Advanced Filters).

  • Today (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is equal to the current business date.
  • Overdue (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is overdue in comparison to the current business date.
  • Today+Overdue (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is equal to the current business date or overdue in comparison to the current business date. (It is a combination of the Today and Overdue conditions.)
  • Tomorrow (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is equal to the day after the current business date.
  • This Week (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is within the current week.
    The start and end of the week are determined based on the default system locale or the locale that you selected when you signed in to MYOB Acumatica. The system locales are specified and configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.
  • Next Week (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is within the week after the current week.
    The start and end of the week are determined based on the default system locale or the locale that you selected when you signed in to MYOB Acumatica. The system locales are specified and configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.
  • This Month (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is within the current month. (The current month contains the current business date.)
  • Next Month (for values of the date type): Displays records where a value of the specified property is within the month after the current month. (The current month contains the current business date.)
Value The value you enter for the logical condition used to filter the data, if the selected condition requires a value. The value you enter must conform with the data type of the selected property. You can enter or select a fixed value or one of the predefined parameters.

The predefined parameters are listed in Managing Advanced Filters.

Value2 The second value for the logical condition, if the selected logical condition requires a second value. (For example, the Is Between logical condition requires a second value.) The value you enter must conform with the data type of the selected property. You can enter or select a fixed value or one of the predefined parameters.

The predefined parameters are listed in Managing Advanced Filters.

Brackets A group of closing brackets to group logical conditions.
Operator The logical operator to be used between groups of logical conditions.