Import Bank Transactions

Form ID: (CA306500)

By using this form, you can import bank statements or enter statement transactions. You can then manually edit transaction details, if needed. If you have processed at least one transaction from the imported statement on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form, you cannot edit all transactions from this statement. You can clear processing for the transactions on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form to enable the editing of transaction details on the current form.

You can restrict the uploading of bank statements for multiple cash accounts in a file by selecting the Import Bank Statement to Single Cash Account check box on the Bank Statement Settings tab of the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form. In this case, a user should specify the particular cash account for which the upload of bank transactions from the file would be performed.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Upload File

Opens the Statement File Upload dialog box, which you can use to upload a new file or import the contents of the existing file from file storage.

The following formats are supported:

  • OFX (Open Financial Exchange)
  • QBO (QuickBooks Online)
  • QFX (Quicken File eXchange)
Before you upload the file, make sure that the numbers of the bank accounts are associated with appropriate cash accounts in the system. To do this, on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form, for each cash account, specify the bank account number as the External Ref. Number.

This button is displayed on the form toolbar if the cash account is not mapped to a bank account in an active bank feed on the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form.

Manage Bank Feeds Navigates to the Manage Bank Feeds form (MBCA2020), which you can use to import transactions from a bank feed.
Process Transactions Navigates to the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form, which you use to clear documents.
Retrieve Transactions

Retrieves transactions for one account or for all accounts of the bank feed, depending on the state of the Import Bank Statement for Single Cash Account check box on the Bank Statement Settings tab of the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form.

If the Mapping of Multiple Accounts for Bank Feeds feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, and the Map Multiple Bank Accounts to One Cash Account check box is selected for the bank feed on the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form, the system does the following before retrieving transactions:

  1. Checks whether a bank statement exists with a suitable Statement Start Date and Statement Period.
  2. If the dates of the transactions fall within the range of the Start Balance Date and End Balance Date of the bank statement, adds these transactions to the statement.
  3. If no statement with a suitable date is found, creates a new bank statement and adds the transactions to it.

    Thus, if Statement Start Date or Statement Period on the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form for a bank account is different from this setting of other bank accounts mapped to the same cash account, the system will create a separate bank statement for this bank account.

Once the retrieval is complete, the system displays the most recent bank feed statement on the current form.

This button is displayed instead of the Upload File button if on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form, Bank Feed: PLAID or Bank Feed: MX is specified in the Statement Import Source box.

Table 1. Statement File Upload Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you can select a file to upload or import transactions from an existing file.
Element Description
Upload file The option you select if you want to upload a file that contains transactions.
Link to existing file The option you select if you want to import existing file with transactions.
Choose File A box that you use to select a file for uploading. The box is displayed if the Upload file option is selected.
Existing File An external link to the file that contains transactions you want to import. This box is displayed if the Link to existing file option is selected.
Comment The brief description of the file.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
Upload Uploads selected file to the file storage and imports file content to the form.
Close Closes the dialog box without uploading selected file.

Summary Area

You can use this area to select an imported statement for a particular cash account and view its data.

Element Description
Cash Account

The cash account specified on the bank statement for which you want to upload bank transactions.

Only AR documents (of any type) and AP documents of the Refund type can be registered to cash accounts that are specified as clearing accounts on the Cash Accounts (CA202000) form.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the imported bank statement, which the system generates automatically in accordance with the numbering sequence assigned to statements on the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form.
Statement Date The date of the bank statement specified in the file.
Start Balance Date The start date, as indicated in the bank statement file (if any).
End Balance Date The end date, as indicated in the bank statement file (if any).
Beginning Balance The balance of the cash account at the start of the date range the bank statement spans, if specified in the file.
Ending Balance The balance of the cash account at the end of the date range of the bank statement, if specified in the file.
Calculated Balance The balance of the uploaded bank statement, which is calculated as the sum of its lines. Verify that the calculated balance for the statement is equal to the ending balance of the account displayed in the Ending Balance box.


This table contains the transactions imported from the bank statement. If you have an Excel file with a single statement, you can import the bank transactions for this particular statement directly to the table, by using the Load Records from File standard button on the table toolbar. If you have an Excel file with multiple statements, you can import these statements by using a scenario based on the built-in data provider for Excel files. To create this scenario, use the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form.

If you need to delete multiple rows from the table, you can do either of the following:
  • Select multiple rows by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the arrow under the Column Configuration button for each row to be selected. Click Delete Row on the table toolbar.
  • Select multiple rows by pressing the Shift button and clicking the arrow under the Column Configuration button for the first and the last row that you want to delete. All the rows between these ones will also be selected. Click Delete Row on the table toolbar.
Table 2. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Unhide Transaction Clears the Processed and Hidden check boxes for the selected transaction. The transaction becomes available for processing on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form.

Does the following:

  • For the selected bank transaction (that is, the transaction you clicked before invoking this action), clears the check boxes in the Matched and Processed columns, and removes the link to the matched document. The selected bank transaction then becomes available for processing on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form.
  • For the matched document, clears the Cleared check box and the Clear Date box on the entry form where this document was created. If a document was created to match the transaction, this document should be handled (for instance, voided or matched) manually.
Unmatch All

Does the following:

  • For all bank transactions that have been uploaded or added on this form for the current bank statement, clears the check boxes in the Matched and Processed columns, and removes the links to the matched documents. All bank transactions become available for processing on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form.
  • For all matched documents, clears the Cleared check box and the Clear Date box on the relevant forms of the documents. Documents included in a reconciliation statement will still have the Clearedcheck box selected. Documents created to match the transactions should be handled (for instance, voided or matched) manually.
View Matched Document Navigates to the respective form where you can view details of the matched document or batch for the selected transaction. The button is available only for the matched transactions (that is, those for which a check box is selected in the Matched column).
Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Matched A check box that indicates to the system (if selected) that this bank transaction is ready to be processed. Namely, the transaction has been matched to the transaction in the system or details of a new document (to match this transaction) were specified.
Processed A check box that indicates to the system (if selected) that either this bank transaction has been matched to a document in the system, or a document was created on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form to record the transaction in the system.
Hidden A check box that indicates to the system (if selected) that this bank transaction has been hidden from the statement on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form. To make the transaction available for further processing, click Unhide Transaction.
Ext. Tran. ID The external identifier of the transaction.
Ext. Ref. Nbr.

The external reference number of the transaction.

This column is required if the Require Document Ref. Nbr. on Entry check box is selected on the Cash Management Preferences (CA101000) form. If you are processing bills with or without charges and invoices with charges and this column is empty for a transaction, the system will not process the document on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form and will display an error message.

Tran. Date The transaction date. For bank transactions received from the bank feed, this is the Posted Date (the date when the transaction affected the account balance, but not the date when the transaction occurred).
Tran. Desc. The description of the transaction.
Receipt The amount of the receipt.
Disbursement The amount of the disbursement.
Card Number The card number the transaction has been paid with.
Applied Rule The rule applied to clear a transaction on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form.
Invoice Nbr. The reference number of the document (invoice or bill) generated to match a bank transaction on the Process Bank Transactions (CA306000) form.
Payee Name The payee name, if any, specified for a transaction.
Bank Feed Account

The description of the bank feed account from which the transaction was received. This value consists of the Account Name and Account Mask values specified for the bank feed in the respective columns of the table on the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form.

This column is filled in for a transaction only if the Map Multiple Bank Accounts to One Cash Account check box is selected for the bank feed account on the Bank Feeds (CA205500) form. The column is populated automatically by the system and you cannot override this value.

This column appears on the form if the Mapping of Multiple Accounts for Bank Feeds feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.