Send Level 3 Data

Form ID: (CA508000)

You use this form to send level 3 data from payments and prepayments to the payment processing gateway.

This form shows a list of payments and prepayments captured with commercial or business cards and applied partially or in full to other documents and sales orders. Payments and prepayments are shown if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The payment method of the payment or prepayment has the Credit Card means of payment
  • The processing center specified for the payment supports level 3 processing
  • The level 3 status of the payment transaction is used for level 3 processing (Pending, Sent, Failed, or Resend Failed)
  • The sales order or sales invoice to which the payment is applied is not On Hold or the payment transaction is related to a cash sale

Users with the following roles have access to this form and can add schedules for the processing: Administrator, AcumaticaSupport, AR Admin, AR Clerk, and SO Admin.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Initiates the sending of level 3 data for the documents for which you have selected the Included column in the table.

Process All Initiates the sending of level 3 data of all the documents listed in the table.

Selection Area

You can use the elements in this area to specify the criteria of the documents you want to view. You can use the elements in this area to limit the range of documents that are listed in the table. The elements of this area are summarized below.

Element Description
Processing Center

Required. A processing center that supports level 3 data. The lookup table that is opened in this box shows a list of active processing centers.

Processing Status

Required. The processing status of documents for which level 3 data should be sent.

The following options are available:

  • Pending (default): The payment has been applied to a sales order, sales invoice, or cash sale and captured, but the level 3 data has not been sent to the payment gateway
  • Sent: The level 3 data has been successfully sent and accepted by the payment gateway
  • Failed: The level 3 data has been sent but this action ended with an error
  • Resend Failed: The level 3 data has been resent but this action ended with an error


This table shows a list of payments, prepayments, and cash sales that were processed by the selected processing center and have the status specified in the Processing Status box of the Selection area. All the columns in the table are read-only.

Column Description

The type of the document paid through the selected processing center. One of the following types can be shown:

  • Payment: A document of the Payment type created on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form and applied to a sales invoice or an AR invoice
  • Prepayment: A document of the Prepayment type created on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form and applied to a sales invoice or an AR invoice
  • Cash Sale: A document of the Cash Sale type created on the Cash Sales (AR304000) form and paid with a credit card
Reference Nbr. The number that identifies the AR document in the system. If you click this number, the system opens the Payments and Applications (AR302000) or Cash Sales (AR304000) form in a pop-up window so that you can view the document.
Payment Date The date when the document was created.
Payment Period The financial period to which the document amount was posted.
Customer The ID of the customer specified in the document.
Customer Name The name of the customer specified in the document.
Status The document's status.
Payment Amount The document's amount.
Currency The currency in which the payment was made.
Proc. Center ID The ID of the processing center through which the payment was made.
Payment Method The payment method specified for the document.
Processing Status

The processing status that indicates whether the document's level 3 data has been sent.

One of the following options can be specified:

  • Pending: The payment has been applied to a sales order, sales invoice, or cash sale and captured, but the level 3 data has not been sent to the payment gateway
  • Sent: The level 3 data has been successfully sent and accepted by the payment gateway
  • Failed: The level 3 data has been sent but this action ended with an error
  • Resend Failed: The level 3 data has been resent but this action ended with an error