Import Settlement Batches

Form ID: (CA507000)

On this form, you can start the process of importing settlement batches by selecting the processing center and clicking Import Batches on the form toolbar. The import of settlement batches can be started if no previous import is in progress for the selected processing center.

This form appears in the system if the Integrated Card Processing feature has been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Import Batches Starts the import of settlement batches.

Summary Area

This area displays the settings required for importing settlement batches.

Element Description
Proc. Center ID

The ID of the processing center for which settlement batches will be imported when you click Import Batches on the form toolbar. If the system has only one active processing center, it is displayed in this box by default.

For the import to start successfully, on the Processing Centers (CA205000) form, the selected processing center should be active (the Active check box should be selected in the Summary area) and the Import Settlement Batches check box should be selected on the Preferences tab.

Last Settlement Date The date on which the most recent settlement batch for the processing center was successfully settled. This box is read-only.
Import Batches Through The latest date for which settlement batches will be imported. By default, the system calculates this value as the earlier of the following dates: the current date, and the date seven days after the date in the Last Settlement Date box. You can override this value.

All Records Tab

The table on this tab displays a list of all settlement batches for the processing center selected in the Proc. Center ID box of the Summary area.

Column Description
Reference Number The reference number of the settlement batch. You can click this link to open the settlement batch on the Settlement Batches (CA307000) form.
Status The processing status of the settlement batch, which can be one of the following:
  • Pending Import: A batch has been created, and the import of transactions has not yet started or has ended without all the transactions being imported.
  • Pending Processing: The processing of transactions has resulted in an error, and the processing of the batch should be repeated.
  • Processing: Transactions are being imported from the processing center or matched to transactions in MYOB Acumatica.
  • Pending Review: Automatic processing has finished, but some transactions are missing.
  • Processed: All transactions in the settlement batch have been matched to transactions in MYOB Acumatica or have been hidden.
  • Deposited: A bank deposit based on the settlement batch has been released, or there are no payments to deposit.
  • Error: An error has occurred during import.
Ext. Batch ID The batch ID in the processing center.
Settlement State

The state of the batch in the processing center, which can be one of the following: Settled Successfully, Refund Settled Successfully, Settlement Error, Pending Settlement, Expired, Unknown, or Voided.

Only transactions with the Settled Successfully and Refund Settled Successfully states can be included in a bank deposit.
Settlement Time The date and time when the batch was settled.
Settled Amount The settled amount of the batch.
Refund Amount The settled refund amount of the batch.
Transaction Count The total number of transactions in the batch.
Imported Transaction Count The number of imported transactions in the batch.
Unprocessed Transaction Count The number of imported transactions that have not been processed yet.
Missing Transaction Count The number of transactions that have the Missing status.
Bank Deposit The reference number of the bank deposit that the system created automatically, which is also a link you can click to view the bank deposit on the Bank Deposits (CA305000) form.

Unprocessed Batches Tab

The table on this tab lists settlement batches that have a status other than Deposited. These batches are also listed on the All Records tab. (The same columns are displayed on both tabs.)