Import Scenarios

Form ID: (SM206025)

You use this form to create an import scenario. You can perform data import as a one-time activity or periodically if you have configured synchronization between MYOB Acumatica and the third-party software.

An import scenario is created for a specific provider. You can create and view providers for import by using the Data Providers (SM206015) form.

Generally, a scenario includes the mapping between the data in the external data source and the data in MYOB Acumatica, as well as any restrictions on the source and target data. For more information, see Configuring Import Scenarios.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
View Screen

Navigates to the form selected in the Screen Name box.

Convert to Manual Scenario

Converts the simple import scenario to a regular import scenario.

This command is available only if you have selected a simple scenario on the form.

Publish to the UI Opens the Publish to the UI dialog box, in which you can modify the site map title and screen ID for the scenario, change default workspace and category, and specify access right.
Unpublish Removes the respective node from the site map, clears the assignment of screen identifier and deletes all configured access rights from the database.
Table 1. Publish to the UI Dialog Box

On this dialog box, you can specify publication settings of the new form, including access rights. This dialog box has the following elements.

Site Map TitleThe name of the form that will be shown on the Site Map form.
WorkspaceThe workspace in the user interface from which the form can be accessed.
CategoryThe name of the category under which the form will be displayed in the selected workspace. .
Screen IDThe identifier to be assigned to the form.
Access Rights

Select one of the following option buttons to indicate which access rights should be specified for the newly added form:

  • Set to Granted for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Granted for all user roles in the system.
  • Set to Revoked for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Revoked for all user roles in the system.
  • Copy Access Rights from Screen (default): The system will copy the set of the access rights from the specified form.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

PublishPublishes the form and closes the dialog box. That is, it is assigned a screen identifier and becomes available in the specified workspace. Also, the system adds the new site map node for this form to the site map and applies the appropriate access rights to this site map node.
CancelCancels the publication process and closes the dialog box.

Summary Area

In this area, you can create a new import scenario or select an existing one for editing.
Element Description

The name of the scenario, which may be an alphanumeric string of up to 50 characters.

Screen Name

The name of the MYOB Acumatica form whose functionality will be used to perform data import.

You click the magnifier icon in the box to open the Select Screen Name dialog box, where you can select the form by searching or filtering by its title, screen ID, workspace, or category.


The data provider that should be used for data import.

Provider Object

The object of the specified data provider.

Only active provider objects are available for selection.

Sync Type

The type of synchronization for the import scenario.

One of the following options can be selected:

  • Full (default): To perform an import of all the data available in the source.
  • Incremental - All Records: To perform a partial import, including only the data in each record that has changed in the source.
  • Incremental - New Only: To perform a partial import, including only the records that have appeared in the source since the previous import took place.

If the data is imported from a file data source, the Incremental - All Records and Incremental - New Only options provide the same result: If you select either of these options, the system imports the data only if a new version of the source file is provided before the import.

You may need to change the default value if you use the same scenario regularly for importing only some of the data from the source (for example, if after the initial import you need to periodically upload new data records that have appeared in the source).

If you want to use the Incremental - All Records or Incremental - New Only synchronization type for an import scenario that uses the PX.DataSync.GenericInquirySYDataProvider data provider, you need to specify the following values on the Parameters tab of the Data Providers (SM206015) form:
  • CreatedDateColumn for the Incremental - New Only synchronization type
  • CreatedDateColumn and LastModifiedDateColumn for the Incremental - All Records synchronization type

A check box that indicates (if selected) that this scenario is active and can be used for data import.

Simple Scenario

A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected scenario is a simple import scenario.

Site Map Title

The name that is displayed in the UI for the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form shown for this import scenario.

This box is available only if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected and is a required setting in this case.


The workspace in the UI in which the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form shown for the import scenario can be accessed.

This box is available only if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected.


The name of the category under which the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form shown for the import scenario is displayed in the selected workspace.

This box is available only if the Make Visible on the UI check box is selected.

Format Locale

The locale used in the source field to format date, time, and other locale-specific information.

By default, MYOB Acumatica uses the invariant locale, which is similar to the English (United States) locale.

Parallel Processing

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should process the import scenario in parallel threads.

If parallel processing is turned on for an import scenario, during the execution of the scenario, the system divides the whole list of records to be processed into batches of records. The lines of a particular document (that is, the records that have the same key fields specified) are always included in the same batch. The system executes the import scenario for these batches in parallel threads, which can speed data import with the import scenario. The parallel processing of an import scenario by the system could be especially useful for data migration during the initial implementation of the system.

By default, the check box is cleared.

If this check box is selected, the Break on Error and Break on Incorrect Target check boxes become cleared and unavailable.

Break on Error

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the processing of the import scenario should be stopped if an error occurs.

This check box affects the order in which the records are imported. For example, suppose that you are importing documents that are automatically numbered, and each line of the source contains one document. If you clear the Break on Error check box, all documents that cause no errors during the processing will be imported first, and then you will review all errors at once and import the corrected records. The order in which the reference numbers are assigned to the imported documents will be different than it would be in a situation in which you imported documents one by one and stopped after each error.

If the order of record processing is not important, you can clear this check box.

By default, the check box is selected.

The state of this check box for the import scenario can be overridden for any execution on the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form.

The check box is cleared and unavailable for selection if the Parallel Processing check box is selected.

Break on Incorrect Target

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will stop processing records at the first error that occurs for a record that violates the target restrictions.

By default, the check box is selected.

The state of this check box for the import scenario can be overridden for any execution on the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form.

The check box is cleared and unavailable for selection if the Parallel Processing check box is selected.

Discard Previous Result

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will clear any prepared data before the data preparation and import by using the import scenario.

That is, if a user clicks the Prepare and Import button on the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form for the import scenario or the import scenario is executed based on a schedule, the system does the following, depending on whether the check box is selected:

  • If the check box is selected, the system always first prepares all data for import and then imports the data.
  • If the check box is cleared, and if the data for import has already been prepared during the previous data preparation and import (but this data has not been fully processed), the system performs the data import of the previously prepared data. This may prevent the scenario from being executed if there were errors during the processing of the previously prepared data.

The state of this check box for the import scenario can be overridden for any execution on the Import by Scenario (SM206036) form.

Mapping Tab

You use this tab to map the data from the external source to the fields of the specified data entry form in MYOB Acumatica for automatic import or synchronization. For more details on import scenarios, see Configuring Scenario Mapping.

Table 2. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Inserts a new table row above the selected row.

Unlabeled field with display options

Displays the MYOB Acumatica form controls according to the selected option, which is one of the following: Show All Commands or Hide Service Commands.

By default, the Show All Commands option is selected, which indicates that all commands (including service commands) are displayed.

For more information on service commands, see Service Commands in Import and Export Scenarios.


Moves the selected row up the list.


Moves the selected row down the list.

Insert From

Makes it possible to insert a part of another scenario; invokes the Choose Scenario to Insert Steps From dialog box.

Substitution Lists

Opens the Substitution Lists (SM206026) form, where you can view, add, remove, and edit substitution lists, which consist of pairs of source values (which may be found in the data to be imported or exported) and the corresponding substitution values (which serve as replacements for the source values during data import to MYOB Acumatica or data export from MYOB Acumatica, respectively).

You can use the substitution lists in the SubstituteListed (sourceField, substitutionList) and SubstituteAll (sourceField, substitutionList) functions in formulas in mappings of import and export scenarios. For details about the functions, see Functions.

Table 3. Choose Scenario to Insert Steps From Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you can select another scenario to insert its mapping lines into the scenario currently under modification. This operation inserts all lines of the selected scenario. Once the lines are inserted, you can make inactive or delete any lines you don't want to keep. The dialog box has the following elements.
Element Description

The scenario whose mapping lines you want to insert.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Closes the dialog box and inserts the lines from the selected scenario.


Closes the dialog box without performing insertion.

Table 4. Table Columns
Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that this step of the scenario is active during data import.

Target Object

The name of the functional object of the graph the MYOB Acumatica form is based on.

The functional object can be the Summary area, the Details area, or any of the tabs or dialog boxes available for the form.

Field/Action Name

The name of the field or action of the functional object selected in the Target Object column.

You click the field to display the list of available values.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that when this field is filled in, a commit to the database is required.

The check box is automatically selected when it is required by the functionality of the field.

Source Field/Value

An external field (in the source file) whose value should be imported into the specified internal field, or an expression to be executed on import to generate the value for the internal field.

You click the icon to select from the list of available fields, or click the icon to open the Formula Editor Dialog Box and create a formula.

For details on the functions and operators that can be used in the formula, see Functions and Operators.

Ignore Error

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should ignore errors when the data for this field is imported.

Execute Action

An option indicating when the system executes the action selected in the Field/Action Name column.

The column can contain one of the following options, which reflect when the action specified in the row is executed:

  • For Each Record (default): For every row in the file from which the documents are imported (for example, for each detail line of each invoice).
  • Once, for First Detail Line: For only the first detail line of each document from the file.
  • Once, for Last Detail Line: For only the last detail line of each document from the file.

You use this column if you are importing records that have multiple detail lines, such as sales orders and invoices. The option in this column is available for editing only if an action is selected in the Field/Action Name column.

Source Restrictions Tab

On this tab, you can set up restrictions to filter the data that you want to extract from the source for processing by the import scenario. For example, some customer ID values in the source have CUST prefixes. You can specify a source restriction that selects the only the records from the source that have the CUST prefix in the customer ID field.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the restriction is active.


The opening bracket or brackets for composing a logical expression with multiple conditions.

Field Name The field whose value the condition will be applied to.

The logical operation to apply to the value of the selected field; in some cases, the operation entails comparing it to the values specified for Value and Value 2.

The following options are available:

  • Equals: Returns True if the field value is equal to the value specified in the Value field.
  • Does Not Equal: Returns True if the field value is not equal to the value specified in the Value field.
  • Is Greater Than: Returns True if the field value is greater than the value specified in the Value field.
  • Is Greater Than or Equal to: Returns True if the field value is greater than or equal to the value specified in the Value field.
  • Is Less Than: Returns True if the field value is less than the value specified in the Value field.
  • Is Less Than or Equal to: Returns True if the field value is less than or equal to the value specified in the Value field.
  • Is Between: Returns True if the field value is between the values specified for Value and Value 2.
  • Contains: Returns True if the field value (string) contains the value specified in the Value field.
  • Ends With: Returns True if the field value ends with the character or string specified in the Value field.
  • Starts With: Returns True if the field value begins with the character or string specified in the Value field.
  • Is Empty: Returns True if the field value is empty (null).
  • Is Not Empty: Returns True if the field value is not empty (not null).
  • Does Not Contain: Returns True if the field value (string) does not contain the value specified in the Value field.
Is Relative

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field value represents the number of days with respect to the current business date.


The first value of the condition, which will be compared with the value of the selected field.

Most of the conditions require only one value, while Is Between requires two values.

Value 2

The second value of the condition, if required by the selected condition.


The closing bracket or brackets for composing a logical expression with multiple conditions.


The logical operator to be used between the logical conditions enclosed in brackets.

Target Restrictions Tab

You can use this tab to set up restrictions that are applied to records after they have been processed by the import scenario. For example, suppose you have imported customer records to MYOB Acumatica and then manually changed the status of some of these records to Inactive, and now you want to update only those imported customer records that have Inactive status. Because you do not have the status in the source file, you cannot use source restrictions to select needed records. You can specify a target restriction that makes the system save the results of import for only the records that have Inactive status in MYOB Acumatica.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the restriction is active.


The opening bracket or brackets for composing a logical expression with multiple conditions.

Field Name

The field whose value the condition will be applied to.


The logical operation to apply to the value of the selected field; in some cases, the operation entails comparing it to the values specified for Value and Value 2.

Typically, the following options are available: Equals, Does Not Equal, Is Greater Than, Is Greater Than or Equal to, Is Less Than, Is Less Than or Equal to, Is Between, Contains, Ends With, Starts With, Is Empty, Is Not Empty.

Is Relative

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field value represents the number of days with respect to the current business date.


The first value of the condition, which will be compared with the value of the selected field.

Most of the conditions require only one value, while Is Between requires two values.

Value 2

The second value of the condition, if required by the selected condition.


The closing bracket or brackets for composing a logical expression with multiple conditions.


The logical operator to be used between the logical conditions enclosed in brackets.