Manage Sales Allocations

Form ID: (SO501010)

This form is available only if the Order Management and Inventory and Inventory features are enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You use this mass-processing form to mass-allocate or mass-deallocate stock items in the lines of multiple sales orders that were created on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. You can use selection criteria to narrow the range of sales order lines listed before processing to make it easier to allocate or deallocate items based on your company's distribution process.

This form is used solely to allocate and deallocate stock items in sales order lines; its processing does not include the lines of production orders and service orders.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Initiates the processing (based on the action you select) for the sales order lines that you have selected in the table.

Process All Initiates the processing (based on the action you select) for all sales order lines listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify the criteria for the sales order lines to be displayed in the table on the form, as well as the action to be performed if you click Process or Process All.

Element Description

The action that the system will perform on each sales order line being processed if you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Allocate Sales Orders: Allocates the stock items in the processed sales order lines. When this action is selected and a warehouse is specified in the Warehouse box, the table shows the sales order lines for which item allocation is required from this warehouse if the quantity of the item that is available for shipping is greater than 0.

    When you select this action, the system sorts sales order lines by the Priority specified for the sales order, ordering the lines from the highest to the lowest. For lines with the same priority, the system sorts the lines by the applicable date of the sales order (oldest to newest). The date the system uses is based on the option selected in the Select By box.

    When this option is selected, you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar, and sales order lines have been successfully processed, the system selects the Allocated check box in the Line Details dialog box, which is opened when Line Details is clicked on the table toolbar of the Details tab on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. The stock items in these lines are assigned the SO Allocated plan type.

  • Deallocate Sales Orders: Deallocates the stock items in the selected sales order lines. When this action is selected and a warehouse is specified in the Warehouse box, the table shows the sales order lines that have item allocation for this warehouse.

    When you select this action, the system sorts sales order lines by the Priority specified for the sales order, ordering the lines from the lowest to the highest. For lines with the same priority, the system sorts the lines by the applicable date of the sales order (newest to oldest). The date the system uses is based on the option selected in the Select By box.

    You can review the allocated quantity and the quantity to deallocate for each line in the table before processing. By default, the quantity to be deallocated is equal to the full allocated quantity. You can manually change the quantity to be deallocated.

    When you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar with this option selected, for all processed lines of sales orders, the system removes the allocations of stock items—that is, for these lines, the Allocated check box is cleared in the Line Details dialog box on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.


Required. The warehouse from which the specified quantity of the item should be allocated or deallocated if the sales order line is processed. When you select a warehouse, the table shows only sales order lines with the warehouse specified on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

This column appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Select By

The date the system should use for selecting the sales order lines to be displayed (based on the Start Date and End Date you specify) and for determining the order in which lines with the same priority are listed. You can select one of the following options:

  • Order Date: The date when the order has been created. If this option is selected, the system uses the date specified in the Date box of the Summary area of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
  • Line Requested On: The date when the customer wants to receive the item quantity specified in the line. With this option selected, the system uses the date in the Requested On column of the Details tab on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
  • Line Ship On (default): The date of shipping for the item quantity specified in the line. With this option selected, the system uses the date in the Ship On column of the Details tab on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
  • Cancel By: The expiration date of the order. With this option selected, the system uses the date in the Cancel By box of the Shipping tab on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
Start Date

The start date of the date range whose sales order lines will be listed in the table. (The Select By option determines which date of the sales order or sales order line must be within this range.) You can leave the box blank to view all the sales orders up to the End Date.

End Date

Required. The end date of the date range whose sales order lines will be listed in the table. (The Select By option determines which date of the sales order or sales order line must be within this range.) The default value is the current business date.

Order Type

The type or types of the orders whose lines will be listed in the table. If no order types have been selected, all orders of the permitted types are listed in the table.

A predefined or custom order type is available for selection if it has any of the following automation behaviors selected on the Order Types form: Blanket Order, Sales Order, Transfer Order, or RMA Order with the active Issue operation.

Order Status

The status or statuses of the orders whose lines will be listed in the table. The following statuses can be selected:

  • On Hold: The order is on hold, which means that additions and changes can be made and that order quantities do not affect the item availability.
  • Credit Hold: The customer specified in the order has failed the credit check, which the system performed when the order was taken off hold.
  • Awaiting Payment: The sum of all prepayments applied to the sales order is not enough to satisfy the prepayment percent that was defined for the customer's credit terms on the Credit Terms (CS206500) form.

    In a sales order with this status, the creation of a shipment is not permitted.

  • Pending Processing: The sales order has an applied credit card payment that needs to be validated.
  • Open: The sales order has been taken off hold, the customer has passed the credit check, and shipment has not yet occurred.
  • Back Order: The order cannot be shipped because the specified items are not available.

You can select any statuses from the list.

Order Priority The level of order priority for which the sales order lines will be listed in the table. You can type the number in this box.
Order Nbr.

The reference number of the order whose lines will be listed.

Inventory ID

The inventory ID of the stock item whose sales order lines should be listed in the table. You can select a particular ID, leave this box blank to see all items that meet other selection criteria, or click the button right of this box to select multiple items whose sales order lines should be listed.


A button that you can click to open the Inventory Item List dialog box.

If you specify items in this dialog box, the table includes order lines with only these inventory IDs.

Customer Class

The class of the customers whose sales order lines will be listed in the table.


The customer whose sales order lines will be listed in the table.

The list of customers available for selection may be limited based on the role or roles assigned to the user account to which you are signed in if the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. In this case, the Restrict Visibility To box appears on the Financial tab of the Customers (AR303000) form. With the feature enabled, a customer is available for selection if one of the following is true:
  • The Restrict Visibility To box is empty for the customer—that is, the customer’s visibility is not restricted.
  • A branch, company, or company group is specified in the Restrict Visibility To box for the customer, and your user account has the role specified in the Access Role box of the Configuration Settings section of one of the following: the Branch Details tab of the Branches (CS102000) form for the branch, or the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form for the company or a company within the company group.
Table 1. Inventory Item List Dialog BoxBy using this dialog box, which opens when you click the List button (right of the Inventory ID box), you can select the stock items whose sales order lines will be listed in table lines.
Element Description
Inventory ID

The inventory ID of the stock item to be listed in the table.


Read-only. A brief description of the stock item.


This table lists the sales order lines that meet the criteria specified in the Selection area of the form. Lines are uploaded to the form only if they contain stock items available for shipping whose quantity is greater than 0. For each line, you can review the item quantity that is available for shipping, the unallocated quantity, and the quantity to allocate. These quantities are shown in the base unit of measure (UOM) only.

The table may contain multiple lines with the same item. By default, the system automatically distributes the quantity of the item that is available for shipping in the Qty. to Allocate column based on the priority of the lines. The Order Priority in each line is copied from the Priority box on the Shipping tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Depending on the selected action, the lines of some sales orders are not listed on the current form. If the Allocate Sales Orders action is selected, the system does not list sales order lines for which any of the following conditions are met on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form:

  • The Mark for Production check box is selected.
  • The Mark for PO check box is selected, and the Purchase to Order or Drop-Ship option is selected in the PO Source column.
  • The identifier of a non-stock kit is selected in the Inventory ID column.

If the Deallocate Sales Orders action is selected on the Manage Sales Allocations (SO501010) form, the system does not show sales order lines for which either of the following conditions are met on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form:

  • The Mark for Production check box is selected.
  • The item in the line has a link in the Related Document column to a released purchase or transfer receipt on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
For both the Allocate Sales Orders and the Deallocate Sales Orders actions, the system will not show lines from sales orders with the Open status if approval is configured for the order type and this sales order is already approved.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Order Priority

Read-only. The level of priority for processing the sales order that contains this line.

Order Type

Read-only. The type of the order that contains this line, which can be any of the predefined order types or custom order types created on the Order Types (SO201000) form with the following automation behaviors: Blanket Order, Sales Order, Transfer Order, or RMA Order with the Issue operation activated.

Order Nbr. Read-only. The reference number of the order that contains this line, which is also a link that you can click to open the sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form in a pop-up window.
Order Status

Read-only. The status of the order that contains this line, which can be any of the following: On Hold, Credit Hold, Awaiting Payment, Pending Processing, Open, Back Order.


Read-only. The customer that has ordered this item in the order.

Inventory ID

Read-only. The inventory ID of the stock item to be sold.


Read-only. A brief description of the stock item.

Qty. Allocated

Read-only. The sales order line quantity, which has the Allocated check box selected in the Line Details dialog box of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

This column appears only if the Deallocate Sales Orders option is selected in the Action box.

The quantity is shown in the base UOM.

Qty. to Deallocate

The quantity of the item that is available for deallocation. By default, the system inserts the Qty. Allocated value, but you can override it.

This column appears only if the Deallocate Sales Orders option is selected in the Action box.

The quantity is shown in the base UOM.

Available for Shipping

Read-only. The quantity of the item that is available for shipping. The quantity is shown in the base UOM.

For details on the calculation of the quantity that is available for shipping, see Availability Calculation Rules: General Information.

Qty. Unallocated

The quantity of the item in the sales order line that is not allocated. The quantity is shown in the base UOM.

Qty. to Allocate

The quantity of the item that can be allocated. By default, the system automatically distributes the quantity of the item that is available for shipping in the Qty. to Allocate column according to the line sorting. By default, this quantity is the same as Qty Unallocated if the Available for Shipping quantity is sufficient. If this quantity is insufficient, the system inserts the remaining quantity available for shipping or 0.

You can manually change the quantity, and the system will recalculate this quantity. If you decrease this quantity, the quantity that was subtracted will not be automatically distributed by the system among other lines with the same item, and you need to manually add this quantity to the respective lines. When you change the quantity to allocate in a line, the unlabeled check box in this line is automatically selected. If you clear the unlabeled check box in this line, the system will automatically recalculate the quantity to allocate.

The quantity is shown in the base UOM.

Line Shipping Rule

Read-only. The line shipping rule (the way the line item should be shipped). The option is copied from the corresponding line on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

For more information, see Shipping Rule Combinations.

Line Requested On

Read-only. The date when the customer wants to receive the item specified in the sales order line; this date is copied from the Requested On date in the line on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Line Ship On

Read-only. The date when the item specified in a sales order line should be shipped to the customer. The date is copied from the corresponding line on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.

Order Date

Read-only. The date of the order.

Cancel By

Read-only. The expiration date of the order, which is copied from the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. The date is calculated based on the value in the Days to Keep box on the Order Types form for orders of the type. If the value is 0, this date is equal to the current business date.

Based on this date, you can mass-assign the Canceled status to orders on the Process Orders (SO501000) form.