Blanket Sales Order Review

Form ID: (SO403000)

On this form, you can review general details of blanket sales orders including their expiration date.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

By using this area, you can specify criteria for displaying blanket sales orders. Any selection criteria you specify narrows the range of orders to be listed in the table.

Element Description

The branch with which this order is associated.

Select By

The type of date by which the orders should be arranged. Select one of the following options:

  • Expires On Date: To arrange documents by the expiration date.
  • Order Date: To arrange documents by the order date.
Start Date

The start date of the date range. By default, the system inserts the current business date to this box. The value in this box is mandatory.

End Date

The start date of the date range. By default, the system inserts the end of the quarter date for the current business date to this box. The value in this box is mandatory.


The customer that has ordered the goods or services.

Include Expired Order

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the expired blanket sales orders will be included in the results of the inquiry.

Include Orders Without Expiration Date

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the blanket sales orders without a specified expiration date will be included in the results of the inquiry.

Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Order Type

The type of the blanket sales order.

Order Nbr.

The reference number of the blanket sales order.


The date of the blanket sales order.


The status of the blanket sales order.

Expires On

The expiration date of the blanket sales order.


The customer that has ordered the goods or services.

Customer Name

The customer that has ordered the goods or services.

Order Total

The total amount of the document.


The currency of the document.

Order Qty.

The quantity of items ordered.

Blanket Open Qty.

The summarized quantity of the stock or non-stock items in the blanket sales order that has not been transferred to child orders.

Blanket Open Qty. (%)

The percentage of the quantity of the stock or non-stock items in the blanket sales order that has not been transferred to child orders.

Qty. on Child Orders

The quantity of the stock and non-stock items in a blanket sales order distributed among child orders.

Quantity on Child Orders (%)

The percentage of the quantity of the stock and non-stock items in a blanket sales order distributed among child orders.

Unshipped Quantity

The total number of stock items in lines of a blanket sales order that have not yet been shipped.

Unshipped Qty. (%)

The proportion of stock items in lines of a blanket sales order that have not yet been shipped.

Days Before Expiration

The number of days before the expiration of the blanket sales order, starting from the current business date.