
Form ID: (CS207600)

You use this form to create and maintain the list of boxes used by your company for shipping goods by using different carriers. Settings such as box dimensions, weight, and maximum weight capacity are used for automatic packaging and for freight calculation for shipments.

Form Toolbar

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This table provides information about the boxes to be used for shipping.

When you add a new box to the list and save it, the system reorders the items alphabetically.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Box ID

The identifier of the box. An alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters may be used.


The description of the box. You can use an alphanumeric string of up to 30 characters.

We recommend that you use the carrier's name in the description to help you pick the correct boxes when you create ship via codes for the carrier.

Box Weight

The weight of an empty box, which may include the weight of any packaging material used to pack items inside the box.

Max. Weight

The maximum weight of items that can fit into the box.

Weight UOM

The unit of measure for the weight of the box and the items in the box.

This box is read-only. The box displays the value specified in the Weight UOM box on the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form.

Max. Volume

The maximum volume of items that can fit into a box of the type.

Volume UOM

The unit of measure for the volume of the box.

This box is read-only. The box displays the value specified in the Volume UOM box on the Company Details tab of the Companies (CS101500) form.


The length of a box of the type, expressed in the unit of measure specified in the Linear UOM column. The length, along with the width and height, defines the three-dimensional shape of the box.

If the box will not be used by any integrated carrier, this value is optional.


The width of a box of the type, expressed in the unit of measure specified in the Linear UOM column. The width, along with the length and height, defines the three-dimensional shape of the box.

If the box will not be used by any integrated carrier, this value is optional.


The height of a box of the type, expressed in the unit of measure specified in the Linear UOM column. The height, along with the width and height, defines the three-dimensional shape of the box.

If the box will not be used by any integrated carrier, this value is optional.

Linear UOM

The unit of measure in which the box dimensions are specified. The system copies this UOM from the Linear UOM box on the Companies (CS101500) form.

The measurement system that is used by the integrated carrier is specified in the Carrier Units box on the Carriers (CS207700) form. If the linear UOM specified for the carrier differs from the company’s linear UOM, you must define the conversion rules between these units of measure on the Units of Measure (CS203100) form so that shipping rates can be calculated correctly.
Carrier's Package

The identifier of the box used by the integrated carrier in the carrier's system (mostly used for flat-rate packages).

This column is available only if the Shipping Carrier Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Editable Dimensions

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the dimensions of the box can be changed in the following scenarios:

  • When you select a carrier in the Shop for Rates dialog box on the Sales Orders (SO301000) or Shipments (SO302000) form.
  • When you review the shipping information on the Packages tab of the Shipments (SO302000) form for an unconfirmed shipment.
  • When you process the shipment in Pack or Ship mode on the Pick, Pack, and Ship (SO302020) form.
Active by Default

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the box will be added by default to the list of packages on the Packages tab of the Ship via Codes (CS207500) form for each new ship via code.