Intercompany Returned Goods in Transit

Form ID: (IN402020)

On this form, you can search for items that have been returned from warehouse of the purchasing company but have not arrived at the warehouse of the selling company.

If a return order has been created directly on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form for an intercompany purchase return, the items from this purchase return will be shown in the inquiry results indefinitely. To remove the items from the inquiry results, you need to do one of the following:
  • Process the purchase return on the Generate Intercompany Sales Orders (SO504000) form with the Excluded check box selected
  • Select the Exclude from Intercompany Processing check box on the Other tab (Intercompany Sale section) of the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form for the purchase return

This form can be accessed only if the Inter-Branch Transactions and Inventory and Order Management features have been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

In this area, you can define the criteria for the documents to be displayed in the table below.

Element Description
Puchasing Company/Branch

The company, branch, or company group for which you want to view information. By default, the current company or branch is selected. You can select another branch, company, or company group to which you have access. This setting is required if the Multiple Base Currencies feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Inventory Item The ID of the inventory item.
Shipped Before The date as of which the documents should be loaded. The system will load documents with a document date earlier than or the same as the specified date. By default, the current business date is specified.
Selling Company The selling company or branch. The list in this box contains the companies or branches that have been extended as vendors.
Selling Warehouse The warehouse of the selling company, to which the item should arrive.
Purchasing Company The purchasing company or branch. The list in this box contains the companies or branches that have been extended as customers.
Purchasing Warehouse The warehouse of the purchasing company, from which the items have been issued.


The table contains the list of purchase returns that match the specified selection criteria.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Inventory ID The ID of the inventory item in transit.
Description The description of the inventory item in transit.
Purchasing Company The ID of the purchasing company or branch.
Purchasing Warehouse The ID of the purchasing company or branch warehouse, from which the items have been issued.
Return Nbr. The reference number of the purchase return that contains the items in transit. This number is a link to the purchase return. You can click the link to open the purchase return on the Purchase Receipts (PO302000) form.
Return Date The date of the purchase return.
In-Transit Qty. The quantity of the item to be returned that is specified in the purchase return.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) in which the quantity of the item is specified.
Total Cost The total cost of items.
Days in Transit The difference between the current business date and the date of the purchase return.
Selling Company The ID of the selling company or branch.
Selling Warehouse The ID of the selling company or branch warehouse, to which the items should arrive.
SO Type The type of the return order created for the purchase return.
SO Nbr. The number of the return order created for the purchase return. You can click the link to open the return order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. This field is empty if no return order has been generated yet.
Shipment Nbr. The number of the shipment which is created for the return order linked to the purchase return. You can click the link to open the shipment on the Shipments (SO302000) form. This field is empty if no shipment has been generated.
Receipt Date The date of the purchase receipt related to the purchase return.
Receipt Nbr. The number of the purchase receipt related to the purchase return.
Shipment Date The date of the shipment created for the SO return that is linked to the purchase return. Empty if no shipment has been generated.
Shipment Status The status of the shipment.