Service Billing Batches

Form ID: (FS305800)

On this form, you can view details of the batches created in the system for each billing document generation process. These details include the billing document reference numbers, data on the billed appointments and service orders, and customer information.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

By using the elements in this area, you can view in the table the data that is most relevant to your needs for information.

Table 1. Selection Elements
Element Description
Batch Nbr. The number of the posting batch document.
Billing Cycle The identifier of the billing cycle that was used to generate documents for the customer.
Up to Date The end date of the date range for which the appointments were processed in this posting batch.
Billing Date The date when the billing document was generated.
Billing Period The financial period in which the billing document was generated.
Documents Processed The number of appointments that were processed in this posting batch.


The table displays the documents that were posted during the generation process.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Document The generated billing document, which can be one of the following options:
  • AR: AR document
  • AP: AP bill
  • SO: Sales order
  • SI: SO invoice
Document Type The type of the generated billing document, which is one of the following:
  • IN: An invoice or a bill
  • CM: A credit memo
  • A document of the sales order type specified in the Order Type for Billing box (generated for service order documents with a positive balance) or Order Type for Negative Balance Billing box (generated for service order documents with a negative balance) on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form
Document Nbr. A link to the billing document generated. You can click this link to view the document on the appropriate form.
Invoice Nbr. The reference number of the invoice related to the billing document.
Service Order Type The type of the related service order.
Appointment Nbr. The reference number of the appointment.
Billing Customer ID The identifier of the customer for whom the invoice documents were generated.
Billing Customer Name The name of the customer for whom the invoice documents were generated.
Service Order Nbr. The reference number of the service order for which the documents were generated.
Date The date of the document.
Start Time The actual time when the appointment began.
End Time The actual time when the appointment ended.
Branch Location ID The identifier of the branch location where the services were performed.
Service Area ID The identifier of service area of the appointment.
Description The description of the document.