MRP Display

Form ID: (AM400000)

On this form, you can view the list of planned orders that the system generated during the last time material requirements planning was executed on the Regenerate MRP (AM505000) form.

You can create a purchase order, transfer order, or production orders based on any number of planned orders by using this form. To do this, in the table you select the Included check box for each planned order that you want to include and click the appropriate button on the form toolbar. You can create an order regardless of the replenishment source specified in each included planned order.

If consolidation settings are specified on the MRP Preferences (AM100000) form, the system consolidates items from multiple demand documents (such as sales orders) into one planned order. For more information, see MRP Configuration: System Settings.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Purchase Opens the Create Purchase Order dialog box, in which you specify the settings of the purchase order the system will create for the planned orders that have the Included check box selected.
Manufacture Opens the Create Production Orders dialog box, in which you specify the settings of the production orders the system will create for the planned orders that have the Included check box selected.
Opens the Create Transfer Order dialog box, in which you specify the settings of the transfer order the system will create for the planned orders that have the Included check box selected.
Note: If you have selected multiple planned orders to be converted to transfer orders, make sure that the value in the Warehouse column of each planned order is the same, as well as in Transfer Warehouse column. Otherwise, the system will not let you create the transfer order when you click the Create button in the dialog box.
MRP Display Inquiry Opens the Detail Inquiry (AM404000) form in a new browser tab for the item and warehouse in the planned order selected in the table.
Table 1. Create Purchase Order Dialog BoxThis dialog box opens when you click Purchase on the form toolbar or the More menu. You use the dialog box to view and change the settings that the system will use when creating the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form for the selected planned orders. You can also view the list of items from the planned orders that will be added to the purchase order.
Element Description
In the Summary area of the dialog box, you can view and change (if needed) the general settings to be used for the purchase order.
Order Type The type of the purchase order, which is automatically set to Normal and is unavailable for editing.
Order Nbr. The reference number of the purchase order, which you may need to specify, depending on the settings of the numbering sequence specified for the numbering sequence assigned to purchase orders of the type on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO101000) form. If this box is empty, enter a reference number manually. If it contains a string (such as <NEW>) and is unavailable for editing, the system will assign the new reference number.

The vendor from which the items will be purchased.

If the Preferred Vendor ID is the same in the selected rows, the system inserts this vendor in this box. If the vendors differ in the selected rows, then you must specify the vendor.

Vendor Location

The vendor location from which the items will be received.

This box is displayed only if the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

In the table, you can view the list of the items from the selected planned orders that will be added to the purchase order.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Inventory ID The identifier of the item to be purchased.

The subitem of the selected item.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Source The replenishment source of the item, which is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.
Warehouse The warehouse to which the item will be received. The warehouse is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.
Quantity The quantity of the item to be purchased, which is copied from the planned order. You can change the quantity, if needed.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) in which the quantity of the item is specified.
Group Nbr.

The number of the group of consolidated planned orders. The system groups items with the same ID into a single planned order from all demand documents (such as sales orders) with the requested date within the number of days specified in the Days of Supply box on the Manufacturing tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) or Stock Items (IN202500) form starting from the current date.

This number is unavailable for editing.

Plan Date The date when the item must be received from the vendor; the system copies this date from the Promise Date column of the planned order. This date is unavailable for editing.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Create Creates the purchase order and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating the purchase order.
Table 2. Create Production Orders Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Manufacture on the form toolbar or the More menu. You use the dialog box to view the list of items from the selected planned orders for which the system will create production orders on the Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) form. You can also view the settings to be used for the production orders and change the quantity or the production order type, if needed.

Element Description

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The table in the dialog box has the following columns.

Inventory ID The identifier of the item to be produced.

The subitem of the selected item.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Source The replenishment source of the item, which is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.
Warehouse The warehouse to which the item will be received. The warehouse is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.
Quantity The quantity of the item to be produced, which is copied from the planned order. You can change the quantity, if needed.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) in which the quantity of the item is specified.
Plan Date The date when the item must be produced; the system copies this date from the Promise Date column of the planned order.
Group Nbr.

The number of the group of consolidated planned orders. The system groups items with the same ID into a single planned order from all demand documents (such as sales orders) with the requested date within the number of days specified in the Days of Supply box on the Manufacturing tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) or Stock Items (IN202500) form starting from the current date.

Order Type The type of the production order, which the system inserts based on the production settings. You can select another type, if needed.
Production Nbr. The reference number of the production order, which you may need to specify, depending on the settings of the numbering sequence specified for the numbering sequence assigned to production orders of the type on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form. If this box is empty, enter a reference number manually. If it contains a string (such as <NEW>) and is unavailable for editing, the system will assign the new reference number.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Create Creates the production order for each of the selected planned order and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating the production order or orders.
Table 3. Create Transfer Order Dialog Box

This dialog box opens when you click Transfer on the form toolbar or the More menu. You use the dialog box to view and change the settings that the system will use when creating a transfer order for the included planned orders on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. You can also view the list of items from the selected planned orders that will be added to the transfer order.

Note: If you have selected multiple planned orders to be converted to transfer orders, make sure that the value in the Warehouse column of each planned order is the same, as well as in Transfer Warehouse column. Otherwise, the system will not let you create the transfer order when you click the Create button in the dialog box.
Element Description
In the Summary area of the dialog box, you can view and change (if needed) the general settings of the transfer order.
Order Type The type of the transfer order, which the system copies from the Default Transfer Order Type box of the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form. You can change the type, if needed.
Order Nbr. The reference number of the transfer order, which you may need to specify, depending on the settings of the numbering sequence specified for the numbering sequence assigned to production orders of the type on the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form. If this box is empty, enter a reference number manually. If it contains a string (such as <NEW>) and is unavailable for editing, the system will assign the new reference number.
From Warehouse The warehouse from which the items will be transferred. The system copies the value from the Warehouse column of the selected planned orders. You can change the warehouse, if needed.

In the table, you can view the list of the items from the selected planned orders that will be added to the transfer order.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

The table contains the following columns.

Inventory ID The identifier of the item to be transferred, which is copied from the row and is unavailable for editing.

The subitem of the selected item.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Source The replenishment source of the item, which is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.

The warehouse to which the item will be received.

The warehouse is copied from the planned order and is unavailable for editing.

Quantity The quantity of the item to be transferred, which is copied from the planned order. You can change the quantity if needed.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) in which the quantity of the item is specified.
Group Nbr.

The number of the group of consolidated planned orders. The system groups items with the same ID into a single planned order from all demand documents (such as sales orders) with the requested date within the number of days specified in the Days of Supply box on the Manufacturing tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) or Stock Items (IN202500) form starting from the current date.

This number is unavailable for editing.

Plan Date

The date when the item must be received in the source warehouse.

The system copies this date from the Promise Date column of the planned order. This date is unavailable for editing.

The dialog box has the following buttons.
Create Creates the transfer order and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating the order.

Selection Area

In this area, you can select the reference number of a document related to a particular item, and the system will display only rows related to this document in the table. This capability could be useful when the consolidation of documents is configured on the MRP Preferences (AM100000) form. Specifically, you can use any of these elements when multiple demand documents containing items with the same ID are consolidated into one row of the table on this form with the planned order and the reference numbers of the original demand documents are not displayed in the table.

Element Description
Related Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains the item.

Related Parent Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains the parent item if the item in the planned order is a material or subassembly.

Related Product Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains a parent item of the top level—that is, the item whose bill of material includes a subassembly, which in turn requires the item in the planned order as a material for production.


The table contains the list of planned orders created by the system during the most recent MRP regeneration. All of the settings in columns are read-only except the Source column.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

An unlabeled check box that you can select when you want to create a supply document (that is, a purchase order, production order, or transfer order) for the item. To create the document, you select this check box in the row of each item to be included in the created document and then click the needed button.

Inventory ID The stock item for which a planned order has been created.

The subitem of the selected item.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Description The description of the stock item.
Item Class The item class to which the item belongs.
Warehouse The warehouse to which the items will be received.

The replenishment source to be used for the item in the specified warehouse. The system copies this value either from the Replenishment Source box of the Manufacturing tab on the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if warehouse-specific settings for the item–warehouse pair exist or from the Source box of the Manufacturing tab on the Stock Items (IN202500) form if no warehouse-specific settings exist for this item–warehouse combination.

You can change the replenishment source for the planned order by selecting one of the following options:

  • None: No replenishment is required for the item.
  • Purchase: The item will be purchased in the quantities calculated based on the replenishment settings for this warehouse.
  • Manufacturing: The item will be manufactured. This item should have a default bill of material or a planning bill of material specified on the Manufacturing tab of the Stock Items form.
  • Transfer: The item will be transferred from a transfer warehouse. If this option is selected, you must make sure the appropriate warehouse is selected in the Transfer Warehouse column.

    This option is displayed only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

  • Drop-Shipment: The system ignores drop-shipment sales order lines during MRP.
    Attention: You cannot create a supply order for the planned order if this option is selected.

    This option is displayed only if the Drop Shipments feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

  • Purchase to Order: The system considers sales order lines and purchase order lines of this type during MRP. The item will be purchased only in the quantities required to fulfill customer orders.
    Attention: You cannot create a supply order for the planned order if this option is selected.

    This option is displayed only if the Sales Order to Purchase Order Link feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Base Qty The quantity of the item in the base unit of measure.
Promise Date The date when this item is needed, which is calculated based on dates from demand documents. A date earlier than today indicates that the items may not be available in time to satisfy the demand.
Action Date The date when the supply order must be created. The system calculates this date based on the promise date and lead time (such as the vendor lead time for a suggested purchase order). A date earlier than today indicates that the items may not be available in time to satisfy the demand.
The document type, which is a supply or demand document. The type can be any of the following:
  • Unknown: Either supply or demand
  • Sales Order: Demand
  • Blanket Order: Demand
  • Shipment: Demand
  • Purchase Order: Supply
  • Forecast: Demand
  • Production Order: Supply
  • Production Material: Demand
  • Stock Adjustment: Demand
  • Safety Stock: Demand
  • Reorder Point: Demand
  • MPS: Supply
  • MRP Plan: Supply
  • MRP Requirement: Demand
  • Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Transfer Supply: Supply
  • Planned Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Assembly Demand (Kits): Demand
  • Assembly Supply (Kits): Supply
  • Inventory Demand (Issues): Demand
  • Inventory Supply (Receipts): Supply
  • Field Service: Demand
Related Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains the item.

For manufacturing-related documents, this element also includes the document type.

Related Parent Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains the parent item if the item in the planned order is a material or subassembly.

For manufacturing-related documents, this element also includes the document type.

Related Product Document

The reference number of the demand document that contains a parent item of the top level—that is, the item whose bill of material includes a subassembly, which in turn requires the item in the planned order as a material for production.

For manufacturing-related documents, this element also includes the document type.

Side Panel

By using the side panel, you can continue viewing the list of planned orders on the form while simultaneously viewing information related to the selected order.

The side panel has one tab, which you can view by clicking the tab's icon. This tab is described below.

Tab Description
Detail Inquiry

The Detail Inquiry (AM404000) form, which displays information about the demand documents and planned orders that include the combination of the inventory item and warehouse copied from the selected row.