MRP Exceptions

Form ID: (AM403000)

On this form, you can view exception messages that the system generated during the last execution of material requirements planning (MRP). These messages describe possible issues with supply documents, such as late delivery dates. More than one exception message can be generated for the same document. For example, when a document is late and no longer needed, the system generates a Late message and a Delete message related to this document.

The list of exception messages is updated each time MRP regeneration is run on the Regenerate MRP (AM505000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only form-specific commands. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Inventory Allocation Details Opens the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form for the selected row.
Inventory Summary Opens the Inventory Summary (IN401000) form for the selected row.
Detail Inquiry Opens the Detail Inquiry (AM404000) form for the selected row.


In this table, you can view the exception messages that have been generated by the system during material requirements planning.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Inventory ID The identifier of the item related to the exception.
Description The description of the item.

The subitem of the item specified in the Inventory ID column.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.

The reason that caused the exception or the suggested action that you can take to resolve the exception; the value is generated automatically.

The column value can be one of the following:

  • Defer: The supply order is within the period specified in the Grace Period box but outside of the period specified in the Days Before box on the MRP Preferences (AM100000) form. The supply order can be deferred to a later date.
  • Delete: The supply order is outside the period specified in the Grace Period box on the MRP Preferences form. The supply order can be deleted. This message is displayed together with the Late Order message.
  • Expedite: The supply order is within the period specified in the Grace Period box but outside of the period specified in the Days After box on the MRP Preferences form. The supply order must be expedited to meet the requirement date of a demand document.
  • Order on Hold: The purchase order or production order is on hold. This message is generated only if the Include On Hold Purchase Orders or Include On Hold Production Orders check box is cleared on the MRP Preferences (AM100000) form.
  • Late Order: The supply order is outside of the period specified in the Grace Period box on the MRP Preferences form.
  • Transfer Available: The demand document is past due, the required quantity of items in the document is not available in the warehouse specified in the document, and the required quantity is available in another warehouse. In the Supply Warehouse column, you can view the warehouse from which the items can be transferred, and in the Supply Qty column, you can view the item quantity available in the warehouse.
  • Order Without Sched. Shipment Date: One or both of the following statements is true about the blanket sales order:
    • The Sched. Shipment Date column of a blanket sales order line is empty on the Details tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
    • The Sched. Shipment Date column is empty for a line detail of any line in the Line Details dialog box on the same form.
  • Transfer without Repl. Warehouse: The replenishment source has been specified as Transfer for the item and source warehouse combination on the Replenishment tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form, but the replenishment warehouse is not specified on the same tab.
  • Circular Transfer: A circular transfer has been set up in the system—that is, the source warehouse and the final transfer warehouse are the same.
Ref Type
The document type, which is a supply or demand document. The type can be any of the following:
  • Unknown: Either supply or demand
  • Sales Order: Demand
  • Blanket Order: Demand
  • Shipment: Demand
  • Purchase Order: Supply
  • Forecast: Demand
  • Production Order: Supply
  • Production Material: Demand
  • Stock Adjustment: Demand
  • Safety Stock: Demand
  • Reorder Point: Demand
  • MPS: Supply
  • MRP Plan: Supply
  • MRP Requirement: Demand
  • Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Transfer Supply: Supply
  • Planned Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Assembly Demand (Kits): Demand
  • Assembly Supply (Kits): Supply
  • Inventory Demand (Issues): Demand
  • Inventory Supply (Receipts): Supply
  • Field Service: Demand
Related Document The type and the identifier of the supply document related to the exception. You can click the identifier to view document details on the appropriate entry form.
Quantity The open item quantity on the supply order whose number is displayed in the Related Document box.
Required Date The date of the supply order that the system has calculated to satisfy the requested date on the related demand document.
Promise Date The current date at which the items are required, which is copied from the supply order.
Warehouse The warehouse in which the items must be received.
Supply Qty The quantity of items available for transfer in the warehouse specified in the Supply Warehouse column. This column contains a quantity only if the exception has the Transfer Available type.
Supply Warehouse The warehouse from which the items can be transferred. This column contains a quantity only if the exception has the Transfer Available type.
Item Class The item class to which the item belongs.

Side Panel

By using the side panel, you can continue viewing the list of exceptions generated during MRP on the form while simultaneously viewing information related to the exception whose row is selected in the table.

The side panel has one tab, which you can view by clicking the tab's icon. This tab is described below.

Tab Description
Detail Inquiry

The Detail Inquiry (AM404000) form, which displays information about the demand documents and planned orders that include the combination of the inventory item and warehouse copied from the selected row.