
Generating Payslips

On the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00), you can choose how and when payslips are generated. The Generate payslip during dropdown has two options:

  • Payrun Completion – Payslips are generated automatically on when a payrun is completed.
  • Payroll Processing – Payslips have to be generated by a payroll administrator on the Process Payslips form (MP.PP.52.15).

After payslips have been generated, yellow file icons appear next to each employee's name on the Pay Run Details form (MP.PP.31.20). Clicking on one of these icons opens the payslip for that employee. You can also download all payslips from the pay by clicking the three dots icon on the toolbar and choosing All Payslips.

Payslips can also be regenerated for a pay run. A Regenerate Payslips action is available on the Pay Run Details form for pays where payslips have already been generated. Selecting this action removes all existing payslips for the pay run and generates new ones.

Previewing Payslips

You can use the Payslip form (MP.PP.60.80) to preview what employee payslips look like.
Do not distribute the preview payslips to employees. Instead, use either the Pay Run Details form or the Process Payslips form.

Sending Payslips to Employees

Payslips can be emailed to employees or printed out and distributed to them. The Settings tab on the Pay Details (MP.PP.23.10) form contains options for how each employee should receive their payslips.

When you're ready to distribute payslips, go to the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20). On the toolbar, click the three dots icon and choose Process Payslips. Depending on your site's payroll preferences, this either sends employees their payslips or takes you to the Process Payslips form (MP.PP.52.15).
Finalised payslips are saved as PDFs and retained by the system for historical reporting—if you view an employee's payslip at a later time, the system will show you the actual PDF that was generated at the time, rather than generating a new one from the data.

If you need to provide historical payslips to an employee, you can go to the Pay Details form (MP.PP.23.10) and use the View Payslips action.

Annual Salary on Payslips

To show annual salary on all employee payslips, select the Show Annual Salary in Payslip checkbox on the General Settings tab of the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00).

If you want to hide annual salary from payslips for certain employees (e.g. casuals), select the Exclude from Showing Annual Salary checkbox on the Employment tab of the Pay Details form (MP.PP.23.10). For sites using employee onboarding, this checkbox is also available on the Employee Profile screen (MP.PP.24.10).

Detailed Leave Taken on Payslips (AU)

By default, payslips only show the amount of leave an employee has taken in a pay period.

However, you can add a Leave Taken section to payslips that includes dates, the unit type, number of units, rate and amount. Select the Show Leave Taken Section checkbox on the General Settings tab of the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00).

Annual Leave Options (NZ)

Payslips can show how much annual leave an employee has earned separately from what they’ve accrued. You can enable this for any annual leave entitlement by selecting the Include Accruals checkbox on the Rules tab of the Entitlements form (MP.PP.33.00).

To make it easier for employees to understand how much annual leave they have available, payslips can show annual leave balances in hours. Balances in hours are based on the definition of a week (DOW) for that pay period. To enable this, select the new Display Annual leave balances in Hours on the Payslip checkbox on the Employment tab of the Pay Details form (MP.PP.23.10). For sites using employee onboarding, this checkbox is also available on the Employee Profile screen (MP.PP.24.10).

If the employee's DOW changes, the hours printed on the payslip might not be the same as the hours balance when they request leave. For employees whose DOW changes frequently, you shouldn't select this checkbox.