Employee Calendar

Form ID: (MPES4001)

The Employee Calendar form displays a calendar that shows all of the leave requests you have placed. Hover the mouse over a leave request to see its details in a popup.

You can also submit new leave requests from the calendar.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Arrow buttons Click the left and right arrow buttons to move from one month to another.
Today Click this button to go to the current month with today's date highlighted.
+ Click this button to open the Submit a Leave Request (MPES3020) form.

Submitting Leave Requests

To submit a leave request for a single day, double-click on that day on the calendar. This opens the Submit a Leave Request (MPES3020) form with the day set as the Start Date and End Date.

To submit a leave request for a range of days, click on the first day and drag to the last day - the selected days will be highlighted as you drag. When you release the mouse, the Submit a Leave Request (MPES3020) form opens with the Start Date and End Date fields set according to the range of days you selected.