Leave Balances

Form ID: (MPES3022)

The Leave Balances form shows the current balance of all leave types you are entitled to.

Main Table

The table on this form shows all leave types you are entitled to, and the current balances of each.

Element Description
Entitlement ID The ID code of the leave type.
Name The leave type's descriptive name.
Units The type of units that the leave type is accrued in, e.g. hours or days.
Accrual The amount of leave you have accrued.
Current Balance The current leave balance for the leave type.
Approved but not paid The amount of future leave you have applied for but not taken yet.
Available Balance The amount of leave available for you to request. This is your current balance, less any leave that has been approved but not paid.
Request Click the Leave Request link in this column to go to the Submit a Leave Request (MP.ES.30.20) form and create a new leave request for the corresponding leave type.