Employment Details

Form ID: (MPES3011)

The Employment Details form lets you check your employment and tax details. You cannot change any of the details here.

Header Section

The header of this form displays your identification details and employment status. You cannot edit these details.

Element Description
Employee Code Your unique ID number in the payroll system.
Name Your full name. You cannot edit your name here, but you can change it on the Contact Details (MP.ES.30.10) form.
Position Your current position in the company.
Department The department you are assigned to.
Employment Basis The basis of you employment, e.g. full-time or part-time.
Employment Status Your employment status, e.g. permanent or casual.
Position Start Date The date you started work in your current position.
Employee Start Date The date you first started work at the company.

Employment Details Tab

This tab displays information about your employment in the company.

Element Description
Department The department you are assigned to.
Position Your current position in the company.
Branch The branch you are assigned to.
Employment Basis The basis of you employment, e.g. full-time or part-time.
Employment Status Your employment status, e.g. permanent or casual.
Hours Per Week The number of hours you are scheduled to work each week.
Days Per Week The number of days you are scheduled to work each week.

Tax Details Tab

This tab displays information about your taxation status. The available fields differ depending on the country you are in.

Table 1. Australia
Element Description
Tax File Number (TFN) Your Tax File Number assigned by the ATO.
Residency Your current residency status.
Tax-free Threshold (TFT) Whether or not you claim the Tax-free threshold.
Special Tax Offsets Any special tax offsets you have claimed.
Medicare Levy Whether or not you have claimed a Medicare levy variation.
Children Whether or not you have claimed any dependent children and if so, how many.
Study Debt Whether or not you have any kind of student loan debt.
Tax Scale The tax scale you have been assigned.
Table 2. New Zealand
Element Description
IRD Number Your IRD number assigned by Inland Revenue.
Tax Code Your personal tax code.

Pay YTD Balances Tab

This tab displays your income, tax and superannuation totals for the year to date. The available fields differ depending on the country you are in.

Element Description
Paid up to The date that the balances are current to.
Total Gross Income Your total pre-tax income to date.
Total Taxable Income Your total taxable income to date.
Total Pre-Tax Deductions The total of any pre-tax deductions from your income to date.
Total PAYG/PAYE The total withholding tax on your taxable income to date.
Net Pay Your net pay to date, i.e. your taxable income, less withholding tax and any post-tax deductions.
Total Post Tax Deductions The total of any post-tax deductions from your income to date.
Total Post Tax Income The total of any pre-tax income to date.
Table 3. Super YTD Balances - Australia
Element Description
Employer SGC Your total employer Superannuation Guarantee contributions to date.
Salary Sacrifice Your total salary sacrifice superannuation contributions to date.
Voluntary Post Tax Your total post-tax superannuation contributions to date, i.e. contributions from your net income.
Reportable (RESC) Your total reportable employer superannuation contributions to date.
Table 4. Superannuation - New Zealand
Element Description
Employee KiwiSaver Your total employer contributions to your KiwiSaver fund to date.
Employer KiwiSaver Your total employee contributions to your KiwiSaver fund to date.
Employee Super Your total employer contributions to non-KiwiSaver funds to date.
Employer Super Your total employee contributions to non-KiwiSaver funds to date.