
Form ID: (MPES3013)

The Superannuation form shows the superannuation contributions that are included in your pay.

Header Section

The header of this form displays your identification details and employment status. You cannot edit these details.

Element Description
Employee Code Your unique ID number in the payroll system.
Name Your full name. You cannot edit your name here, but you can change it on the Contact Details (MPES3010) form.
Position Your current position in the company.
Department The department you are assigned to.
Employment Basis The basis of you employment, e.g. full-time or part-time.
Employment Status Your employment status, e.g. permanent or casual.
Position Start Date The date you started work in your current position.
Employee Start Date The date you first started work at the company.

Main Table

The main table on this form shows all superannuation contributions included in your pay. Each contribution is on a separate row.

Element Description
Fund Name The name of the superannuation fund that contributions are paid into.
Member ID Your ID number in the superannuation fund.
Contribution Type Whether the contribution is an employer or an employee contribution.
Category The category that the contribution has been assigned to, e.g. Salary Sacrifice or Superannuation Guarantee.
Calculation Method How the contribution is calculated - as a fixed amount or as a percentage.
Value ($/%) The contribution amount in dollars, or the percentage, that will be paid.
ESCT Rate NZ companies only. The rate of Employer’s Superannuation Contribution Tax applied to your employer superannuation contributions.