Contact Details

Form ID: (MPES3010)

The Contact Details form lets you check and edit your personal and contact details. You can also add details of their emergency contacts, or other contacts like family members.

If you need to make any changes, edit the appropriate fields and click the Save icon.
You can edit most, but not all, of the details on this form.

Header Section

The header of this form displays your identification details and employment status. You cannot edit these details.

Element Description
Employee Code Your unique ID number in the payroll system.
Name Your full name. You cannot edit your name here, but you can change it by editing the details on the Personal tab.
Position Your current position in the company.
Department The department you are assigned to.
Employment Basis The basis of you employment, e.g. full-time or part-time.
Employment Status Your employment status, e.g. permanent or casual.
Position Start Date The date you started work in your current position.
Employee Start Date The date you first started work at the company.

Personal Tab

This tab displays personal information about you. You can edit any of these details.

Element Description
Name Your full name. You cannot edit your name here, but you can change it by editing the details below.
Title Your preferred title.
First Name Your first/given name.
Middle Name Your middle name(s), if any.
Last Name You last/family name.
Preferred Name The name you prefer to be addressed by.
Date of Birth Your birth date.
Gender Your gender. Choose from Male, Female or Not Specified.
Marital Status Your current marital status. Choose from Single, Married, Divorced or Widowed.
Spouse/Partner Name The name of your partner or spouse.

Phone | Email Tab

This tab displays the phone number(s) and email address(es) recorded for you. You can edit any of these details.

Element Description
Phone 1 Your primary telephone number. You can select the kind of number it is, e.g. Home, Business, Cell.
Phone 2 An additional telephone number.
Phone 3 A second additional telephone number.
Fax Your fax number. You can select the kind of number it is, e.g. Home, Business, Cell.
Email (Work) Your work email address. You can click the button at the end of this field to send an email to the address displayed here.
Email (Personal) Your personal email address. You can click the button at the end of this field to send an email to the address displayed here.

Address Tab

This tab displays the address information recorded for you. You can edit any of these details.

Element Description
Address Line 1 The first line of your address.
Address Line 2 The second line of your address.
City The city you live in.
Country The country you live in. You can click the search icon next to this field to select a valid state.
State The state you live in. You can click the search icon next to this field to select a valid state.
Postal Code Your postal code.

Contacts Tab

This tab displays the details of any contacts for the employee, e.g. emergency contacts, and allows you to add new contacts.

Table 1. Table Toolbar
Element Description
Add Contact Opens a window where you can enter the details for a new contact, then click Save & Close to add the contact to the table. All fields on this window correspond to the columns on the main table.
Table 2. Table Columns
Element Description
Default Contact Tick this box if the contact is the default contact for the employee.
Name The contact's full name
Emergency Contact Tick this box if the contact is one of the employee's emergency contacts.
Phone 1 The contact's first telephone number.
Phone 2 The contact's second telephone number.
Phone 3 The contact's third telephone number.
Email The contact's email address
Relationship The contact's relationship to the employee.
Address Line 1 The first line of the contact's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the contact's address.
City The city that the contact lives in.
State The state that the contact lives in.
Postal Code The contact's postal code.
Country The country that the contact lives in.

Attributes Tab

This tab displays any extra attributes that have been set up for employees.

Element Description
Attribute The name of the attribute.
Required If this box is ticked, you must enter a value for the attribute.
Value The value entered or selected for the attribute.