Submit a Leave Request

Form ID: (MPES3020)

You can use this form to submit a new leave request. Enter the details of request and attach any necessary documents, then click Submit. Once your request has been submitted, you can check its status on the Leave Requests (MPES3021) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Actions Provides the following actions, which can be performed by a manager on leave requests belonging to the employees they manage:
  • Approve
  • Decline
  • Edit
  • Ready to Pay
Submit Submits the leave request for approval. Once approved, the request will be added to a pay run and processed.

Summary Area

The summary area displays basic details about the request.

Element Description
Ref. Nbr. A unique ID code for the leave request record.
Employee The employee that the leave request is for. If you are a manager, you select any employee you manage; otherwise you can only select yourself.
Status The current status of the leave request. This will be one of:
  • Open: The request has not yet been submitted for approval.
  • Submitted: The request has been submitted for approval. It can still be edited or deleted at this stage.
  • Approved but not paid: The request has been approved, but has not yet been processed as part of pay run. It can no longer be edited.
  • Declined: The request has been declined and will not be processed further.
  • Ready To Pay: The request has been marked as ready for inclusion in a pay run (or pay runs, if the amount of leave spans more than one pay period).
  • Processing: The request has been added to a pay run, which is currently being processed.
  • Partially Paid: If the requested leave spans more than one pay run, this status indicates that one or more of those pay runs has been processed, but there is still some of the request that has not yet been paid.
  • Paid: All days of the request have been paid, across one or more pay runs.

Request Details

The main section of the form lets you enter all details of the leave request before you submit it.

Element Description
Leave Type Select the type of leave you want to take, e.g. annual leave or sick leave.

Only leave types in your Standard Pay are available.

Length of Leave Select whether the leave request is for one or more full days, or less than one day.
Start Date Enter the first day of leave.
End Date Enter the last day of leave.
Units Requested AU companies only. When entering leave for less than one day, use this field to enter the number of hours of leave you are requesting. When entering leave for one or more full days, this field is read-only, and displays the number of leave units you have selected, based on the start and end dates you entered.

The kind of units used for the leave type, e.g. Hours or Days, is displayed after this value.

Hours Requested NZ companies only. The hours of leave requested by the employee. When "1 or more full days" is selected, this value is derived using the employee's default work pattern source.
Days Requested NZ companies only. The days of leave requested, determined using the hours requested.
Weeks Requested NZ companies only. The weeks of leave requested, determined using the hours requested.
Available Balance This read-only field displays your current available balance for the selected leave type.
Comments Enter a short description of your leave request, summarising what it is for or why it was requested, and any additional information.
Attachments Some leave types may require you to attach documents, e.g. a doctor's note before you can submit your request. You can use these controls to attach one or more documents to the leave request: click Browse to select a file to attach, then click Upload to attach it to the request. The details of all attachments are displayed below.