Recurring Scenarios

Form ID: (WZ301000)

By using this form, you can create and edit schedules for the activation of recurring scenarios. In each schedule, you can define the periods when the scenarios assigned to the schedule should be activated. You can also set up the start date and expiration date of the schedule and the maximum number of executions of the schedule. For details, see Scenario Scheduling.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Run Now Runs the schedule. When you click this button, the system determines whether it should activate the scenario based on the current business date and the next execution date specified in the schedule. The scenario will not be activated if the next execution date has not occurred yet. By running the schedule, you can activate the scenarios with the Pending and Completed statuses.

Summary Area

In the Summary area, you can create a new schedule or select any existing schedule for editing or deleting.

Element Description
Schedule ID The identifier of the schedule. The system assigns a unique identifier to a new schedule in accordance with the numbering sequence assigned to schedules on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the schedule is active. When the check box is cleared, the schedule cannot be used.
Start Date The date starting from which the schedule can be used.
Expiration Date The date that, if set, indicates when the schedule expires.

This box is unavailable if the Never Expires check box is selected.

Never Expires A check box that indicates (if selected) that no expiration date can be set.
Execution Limit (times) The maximum number of times the schedule can be executed.

This box is unavailable when the No Limit check box is selected.

No Limit A check box that indicates (if selected) that this schedule should be continued into future financial periods.
Description A description of the schedule.
Last Executed A read-only box that displays the date when the schedule was last executed.
Next Execution A read-only box that displays the date when the schedule should be executed next.
Executed (times) A read-only box whose value indicates how many times the schedule was executed—that is, how many times scenarios were activated. A 0 here indicates that the schedule has not been executed yet and no scenarios have been activated.
Schedule Type The frequency of scenario activation. The following option buttons are available, each of which has its own section of related parameters (described below):
  • Daily: The scenarios should be activated daily or every x days.
  • Weekly: The scenarios should be activated on the specified day or days of a week, or every x weeks.
  • Monthly: The scenarios should be activated on the specified day of a month, or every x months.
  • By Financial Period: The scenarios should be activated on the specified day of the financial period, or every x financial periods.

During schedule creation, you should enter the parameters in the applicable section (described below), which appears based on the schedule type you select. These parameters can be edited for an existing schedule.

Table 1. Daily Section
Element Description
Every x Day(s) An integer that specifies the time interval (in days) for scenario activation. For example, 1 would mean that activation should be performed every day; and 2 would mean that activation should be performed every two days, starting on the Start Date.
Table 2. Weekly Section
Element Description
Every x Week(s) An integer that specifies the time interval (in weeks) for scenario activation, with check boxes indicating the day or days of the week when the scenarios should be activated: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.
Table 3. Monthly Section
Element Description
Every x Month(s) An integer that specifies the time interval (in months) for scenario activation. For example, a 3 here would mean the scenario or scenarios should be activated every three months.
On Day An option button that you use to select the day of the month for scenario activation.
On the Nth Day of the Week An option button that you use to select the week of the month and the day of the week. If you select this option, you should select the ordinal number in the left box that specifies the week in the month, and the day of the week in the right box—for example, 2nd Thursday.
Table 4. By Financial Period Section
Element Description
Every x Period(s) An integer that specifies the time interval for scenario activation, measured in financial periods.
Start of Financial Period An option button that sets the start date of the financial period as the day when scenarios should be activated.
End of Financial Period An option button that sets the end date of financial period as the day when scenarios should be activated.
Fixed Day of the Period An option button that defines a particular day of the financial period when scenarios should be activated; specify the day in the adjacent box.


In this table, you can assign a scenario or scenarios to the schedule, or delete any scenarios from the schedule. Add a row to the table for each scenario you want to add, and for each row, select the scenario.

Column Description
Scenario ID The name of the scenario. Select a scenario that you want to add to the schedule.
Status The current status of the scenario.
Execution Date The date when the scenario was last executed.
Execution Period The period that matches the execution date. If the financial period is not active for the date, the execution period box is empty.