<Scenario Name> - <Task Name>

Form ID: (WZ201510)

On this form, you can execute a particular task of the business process scenario. You can start, skip, assign, or complete the task. The tabs on this form provide information you might need while executing the task, such as task summary information and the list of predecessor or successor tasks (if any). For details, see Scenario Execution.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only form-specific buttons, which are listed below.

Button Description
Start Task Changes the status of the task from Open to In Progress.
Skip Changes the status of the task to Skipped. You can skip the task if it is marked as optional.
Mark As Completed Changes the status of the task to Completed. In that case, any successor tasks (those that can be performed after this task) become Open and available for execution.
Go to Screen Opens the form on which the task should be executed.
Assign Brings up the Assign Task To dialog box, from which you can assign the selected task to any user for execution. If the task has subtasks that should be assigned to the same user, you can select the Override Subtasks check box. The task and all its subtasks will be assigned to the selected user at once.

Summary Tab

This tab contains information that can be helpful for completing the task such as instructions, links to help topics, and descriptions of the task (if any information was entered on the Tasks (WZ202000) form; otherwise this tab can be empty).

Optional Subtasks Tab

This tab contains the list of optional subtasks (if any) of the selected task.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Skip Skips the subtask. Changes the subtask status to Skipped.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description

The current status of the optional subtask.

For the list of statuses and their descriptions, see <Scenario Name>.

Name The name of the optional subtask.
Assigned To The user (if any) to whom the optional subtask is assigned for execution.
Completed By The user who has completed the optional subtask. The system fills in this box automatically when the optional subtask is marked as completed.

Predecessors Tab

This tab contains information about the tasks that must be completed before the selected task.

Column Description

The current status of the task listed in this row.

For the list of statuses and their descriptions, see <Scenario Name>.

Predecessor Name The name of the task that has to be completed before the task being viewed on this form. Only after each predecessor task is completed (or skipped, if it is optional), the task on this form gets the Open status and becomes available for execution.
Assigned To The user (if any) to whom the task listed in this row is assigned for execution.
Completed By The user who has completed the task listed in this row. The system fills in this column automatically when the task is marked as completed.

Successors Tab

This tab displays the tasks that are "blocked" by the selected task—that is, the tasks that get the Open status and become available for execution only after completion of the task being viewed on this form.

Column Description

The current status of the task listed in this row.

For the list of statuses and their descriptions, see <Scenario Name>.

Successor Name The name of the task that is "blocked" by the task being viewed on this form. This task can become available for execution only when the selected task is completed.
Assigned To The user (if any) to whom the task listed in this row is assigned for execution.
Completed By The user who has completed the task listed in this row. This system fills in this column automatically when the task listed in this row is marked as completed.

Details Tab

This tab provides details about the selected task.

Element Description

The current status of the task on this form.

For the list of statuses and their descriptions, see <Scenario Name>.

Assigned To The user (if any) to whom the task on this form is assigned for execution.
Started The date when the execution of the task on this form was started.
Completed The date when the execution of the task on this form was completed.
Completed By The name of the user who has completed the task on this form.