Release Tax Report

Form ID: (TX502000)

You use this form to release a tax report prepared for a selected tax agency for the specified tax reporting period. With the release of a tax report, the system closes the tax reporting period and generates an AP bill intended for the selected tax agency. The AP bill contains the net tax amount that must be reported to the tax agency. The process that you run on this form uses the report version of the most recent tax report prepared for the selected tax agency on the Prepare Tax Report (TX501000) form.

For the selected tax agency, during this process, the system applies the report version that meets both of the following criteria on the Reporting Settings (TX205100) form:

  • The Valid From date is earlier than or the same as the end date of the selected tax period.
  • The Report Version is the highest of the tax agency's available versions.

If a tax report has multiple versions with a Valid From date that falls within the reporting period, the system will select the version with a Valid From date that is closest to the end date of the tax period.

If any documents were posted to the closed reporting period, you can create a new revision of the report with the appropriate tax adjustment automatically generated. You can specify whether the particular tax agency allows posting to closed reporting periods on the Tax Agency tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Adjust Tax Navigates to the Tax Adjustments (TX301000) form, on which you can create a tax adjustment document that adjusts the tax and taxable amount of the specified tax in the prepared tax report.

For details, see Creating Sales Tax Adjustments.

Void Report Voids a tax report that has the Prepared status, and opens the corresponding reporting period. (If the Update Closed Reporting Periods check box is selected on the Vendors (AP303000) form, the reporting period remains closed once you have voided a tax report. In that case, you can update a closed period with data from new documents, void a tax report and prepare a new one.)
If your company consists of multiple branches, you can void a tax report for the selected branch only. Once you have prepared the voided tax report again, you can release tax reports for company branches.
Release Releases the tax report and closes the specified reporting period. The period can be closed only if the previous reporting periods are closed.
If your company consists of multiple branches, you can release a tax report only if the tax reports have been prepared for all branches of your company.

When you click Release, the system generates an AP bill that contains the total tax amount that must be reported to the selected tax agency. The AP bill is generated automatically only if the Net check box is selected in the tax report for the appropriate row on the Reporting Settings (TX205100) form.

For details, see Tax Report.

Selection Area

You use the elements in the area to select the company, branch (if any), tax agency, and tax period for the report to be released.

Element Description

The company whose tax report will be released.

This box appears on the form if the Multicompany Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


The branch whose tax report will be released.

This box is available only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and only if the company selected in the Company box above has the With Branches Requiring Balancing type, with the File Taxes by Branch check box selected on the Companies (CS101500) form.

Tax Agency

The name of the tax agency for which you prepare the tax report.

If the Customer and Vendor Visibility Restriction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, the list of values may be limited based on the branch selected on the current form. A vendor is available for selection if the Restrict Visibility To box on the Financial tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form is empty or contains this branch (or the company or company group that contains this branch).

Reporting Period The tax reporting period the report covers.
Revision The revision number of the tax report. The revision number changes each time you prepare a tax report for a closed reporting period.
You can generate updated tax reports for closed reporting periods if this functionality is enabled for the tax agency on the Tax Agency tab of the Vendors (AP303000) form.

With each revision, a new AP bill is generated automatically and is listed on the AP Documents tab.

Show Differences

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the amounts shown in the table on the Details tab are taken from documents posted between the tax report revision selected in the Revision box and the previous revision of the tax report. That is, these are the amounts that indicate the difference between the revisions of the tax report.

This check box is available only if more than one revision of a tax report have been created.

From Read-only. The start date of the selected period.
To Read-only. The end date of the selected period.

Details Tab

The Details tab shows the lines included in the prepared tax report. The lines contain particular amounts (tax and taxable) accumulated according to the taxable documents during the selected reporting period.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Report Line A report line defined for the tax agency report.
Description The description of the report line.
Amount The accumulated amount (tax or taxable) for the report line in the default currency of the vendor (tax agency).

AP Documents

The AP Documents tab shows any AP documents (of the Bill or Debit Adjustment types) created by the system when the tax report was released for the selected reporting period. This AP document contains the total tax amount that you have to pay to the tax agency. This tax amount is taken from the Net Tax row of the tax report (the row for which the Net Tax check box is selected on the Reporting Settings (TX205100) form; all tax amounts are accumulated in this row). For details, see Tax Report.

The system generates this AP document and displays it on the AP Documents tab only if the Net Tax row is configured in the tax report.

If you have documents posted to a closed reporting period, you can prepare and release the updated tax report for that period. This functionality is available only if the Update Closed Reporting Periods check box is selected for the tax agency on the Tax Agency tab on the Vendors (AP303000) form. Once the updated tax report is released, another AP document is generated and listed on the AP Documents tab in addition to the previous AP document. For details, see Releasing a Sales Tax Report.

Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Branch The branch on whose behalf an AP document should be paid.

This column is available only if the Multibranch Support feature is enabled in your system on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Type The type of the accounts payable document: Bill or Debit Adjustment.
Reference Nbr. The number that identifies the AP document in the system. This identifier is generated according to the numbering sequence assigned to the documents of the corresponding type on the Accounts Payable Preferences (AP101000) form. If you click this number, the document opens in a separate window.
Date The date of the document. The system specifies the last date of the tax period as a document date.
Post Period
The period of the document. The system specifies the financial period that corresponds to the date defined in the Date column.
If the financial period that corresponds to the end date of the tax period is closed in the Accounts Payable module, the document is posted to the next open financial period.
Vendor The vendor (which is the tax agency) the AP document is referred to.
Currency The currency of the AP document.
Amount The amount of the AP document.
Balance The balance of the selected AP document.
Status The status of the selected AP document.

For details, see Bills and Adjustments.