TPAR Summary

Form ID: (MBTX4010)

On this form, you can preview and generate a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR). Australian businesses in the building and construction industries that make payments to contractors for building and construction services are required to report these payments to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) on the Taxable payments annual report.

Form Toolbar

Element Description
Export TPAR File Provides the following options:
  • Validate TPAR File: Validates all the information in the submission file to ensure the correct address, name, bank, ABN etc information is valid for submission to the ATO. A text file is created, which will either list any data that needs to be updated for each supplier, or a message saying that the validation was successful.
  • Generate TPAR File: Generates a TPAR export file for the selected company and year. This file can then be uploaded to the ATO.
    You do not have to validate the file before generating it, but we strongly recommend that you do.
Reports Provides access to the following TPAR reports:

Summary Area

In this area, you can select the company and financial year to generate a TPAR for.

Element Description
Company Select the company to generate a TPAR report for.
Tax Year Select the financial year to generate a TPAR report for. TPAR reports always report on a whole finanicial year (1 July - 30 June).
Payments are included in the TPAR based on their Date - the Post Period is not used.

Main Table

The main table displays the TPAR amounts of all suppliers for the selected company and year.
Table 1. TPAR Settings
Element Description
Supplier ID The supplier's unique ID code.
Supplier Name The supplier's name.
ABN The supplier's Australian Business Number.
TPAR Amount The total amount of the transactions that were tracked for TPAR for the supplier. Click on the amount to open the TPAR Review Supplier Payments (MBTX4011) screen, showing the details of the supplier's transactions.
Withholding Payments The total amount of withholding payments included in the transactions for the supplier.
GST The total amount of GST on the transactions for the supplier.
Non-TPAR Amount The amount of any transactions for the supplier that were not tracked for TPAR.
Address Line 1 The first line of the supplier's address.
Address Line 2 The second line of the supplier's address.
City The supplier's city.