Submit VAT Return

Form ID: (TX502020)

You use this form to submit VAT return information to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The form appears in the system if the UK Localization feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. The form is available to users for which the Administrator, TX Admin, or AcumaticaSupport role is assigned on the User Roles (SM201005) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Submit VAT Return Begins the process of submitting the prepared VAT return via the API. First, a dialog is brought up asking you to confirm that the return is finalized. After you click Yes, a second dialog box is brought up to confirm the sending of VAT return. Click OK to submit the report.

Summary Area

In this area, you specify the needed tax period settings used by MYOB Advanced in the boxes of the Tax Period section.

Table 1. Tax Period SectionThe elements on this tab hold the tax report settings configured in MYOB Advanced. You select the tax agency and tax period before you sign in to HMRC and submit the VAT return.
Element Description
Company The company or branch for which you are going to file VAT return information to HMRC. The list of available companies include the companies for which the Tax Registration ID box is filled in on the Companies (CS101500) or Branches (CSform.
Tax Agency The tax agency you are going to use for filing VAT return information to HMRC. The list of available agencies includes all agencies that have been configured on the Vendors (AP303000) form and used for filing VAT return information to HMRC.
Tax Period The tax period for which you want to submit the VAT return. The list of available tax periods includes all tax periods for which a tax report has been released on the Release Tax Report (TX502000) form.
Revision Read-only. The revision number of the released tax report. This value is copied from the tax report released on the Release Tax Report form.
From Read-only. The start date of the selected tax period.
To Read-only. The end date of the selected tax period.
Table 2. HMRC Tax Period SectionThe elements on this tab hold the tax report settings used by HMRC. When you select the code of the tax period in MYOB Advanced in the Tax Period box (Tax Period section), the settings established in HMRC that correspond to the selected tax period are filled in.
Element Description
From Date Read-only. The start date of the selected tax period in HMRC.
To Date Read-only. The end date of the selected tax period in HMRC.
Due Date Read-only. The due date on which the VAT return must be submitted to HMRC.
Status Read-only. The status of the VAT return for the selected period.
Received Date Read-only. The date on which the VAT return was submitted.

VAT Return Tab

The elements on this tab, which are filled in automatically based on the settings entered on the Release Tax Report (TX502000) form, hold the information about the selected tax report, including its amounts.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Report Line Nbr. The number of the line in the tax report.
Report Line Order The order of the report line specified in the Report Line Order column on the Report Lines tab of the Reporting Settings (TX205100) form.
Tax Box Number The number of the tax box (a predefined value from 1 to 9).
Description The description of the tax box.
Amount The accumulated amount (tax or taxable) for the report line in the default currency of the vendor (tax agency).

If you click the link in this column, the system navigates to the Tax Report Details (TX502010) form, where you can review the documents that contributed to this report line and open the GL transaction associated with any of these documents.

Submitted VAT Return Tab

The elements on this tab hold the information about the VAT return that has been submitted for the selected tax period.

If you have just submitted a VAT return on this form for the selected tax period, the tab is populated with the details of this tax report. If you have not submitted a VAT return since you opened the form or if you want to view a VAT return for a different period than that of the return you just submitted, you need to click Retrieve VAT Return on the table toolbar of this tab.

Table 4. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Retrieve VAT Return

Connects to HMRC via the API and retrieves the tax report lines with tax boxes for the period specified in the boxes in the Tax Period section of the Summary area of this form.

If you have just submitted a VAT return on this form for a particular period code, this tab is filled in with these tax report lines without you having to invoke this action.

Table 5. Table Columns
Column Description
Tax Box Number Read-only. The number of the tax box (a predefined value from 1 to 9), submitted to HMRC, and the HMRC period.
Description Read-only. The description of the tax box, and the period code of the HMRC tax period for which this VAT return was submitted.
Amount Read-only. The accumulated amount (tax or taxable) for the report line in the default currency of the vendor (tax agency). This value is copied from the corresponding tax report that was released on the Release Tax Report (TX502000) form.