Tax Categories

Form ID: (TX205500)

You can use this form to create tax categories, or to view or edit existing tax categories. A tax category groups the taxes that are applied to products or services of the same type.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

In the Summary area, you can specify an identifier and description for a new tax category, or select an existing category to view or edit its details.

Element Description
Tax Category ID The unique identifier of the tax category. An alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters can be used.
Description A detailed description of the category.
Active A check box that means (if selected) that this tax category is active.
Exclude Listed Taxes A check box that indicates (if selected) this tax category should exclude the listed taxes from tax zones.


This table contains the list of individual taxes for the tax category. These taxes are generally included unless the Exclude Listed Taxes check box is selected for the category.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Tax ID The ID of the tax included in the category. Once you select a tax by its ID, the other columns of the row are filled in.
Description The detailed description of the tax item.
Tax Type The type of tax, which defines how it is processed. The following options are available: Sales, Use, VAT, and Withholding.
Calculation Rule The way the tax amount is calculated, which can be one of the following options:
  • Inclusive Line-Level: The tax amount is included in item amounts and should be extracted.
  • Exclusive Line-Level: This is a first-level tax calculated on item amounts.
  • Compound Line-Level: This is a second-level tax calculated on item amounts and the amounts of the first-level-taxes.
  • Exclusive Document-Level: This is a first-level tax calculated on the document amount, not on a per-item basis.
  • Compound Document-Level: This is a second-level tax calculated on the document amount and the amount of the first-level tax.
Cash Discount The method of calculating the taxable amount if a discount is applied (based on the credit terms). It can be one of the following options:
  • Reduces Taxable Amount: The discount is taken on the total amount calculated for the document. The taxable amount is decreased by the discount.
  • Does Not Affect Taxable Amount: The discount is taken on the document total, but the tax is also calculated on the document total. The taxable amount is not affected by the discount.
Direct-Entry Tax

Read-only. This check box indicates (if selected) that the tax in this row is a direct-entry tax and it will be applicable only on the following forms:

For details, see Direct Tax Payment: General Information.