Getting Data for the Stats NZ Quarterly Survey

Learn how to use the Statistics Data inquiry (MP.PP.40.74) to get data for the Stats NZ Quarterly Survey. Each tab on the inquiry after All Records corresponds to a section of the survey – so does each subheading on this page.

Start by entering a From Date and To Date that only includes the months relevant to the quarterly survey. This makes sure the inquiry tabs show you the information you need for the survey.

Location Level Information

The Locations tab gives you a total number of employees based on pay runs in the date range you entered. With subtotals for each company, branch and department, you can find the total that makes the most sense for your business.

If you want a simpler view of employee numbers that isn't based on pay runs, you can use the Employee Details Data inquiry (MP.PP.40.73).

Payroll Information

When the survey asks how many separate payrolls were operating at your business, it's basically asking for the number of pay runs. The Payrolls tab gives you the number of pay runs in the date range you entered. You can also use this tab to get information on pay frequency and pay periods.

For other survey questions about specific payrolls (i.e. pay runs), select a pay run in the Pay Run field. Then you can use the inquiry tabs to get information about just that pay run.

Number of Employees

The Number of Employees tab gives you employee numbers by gender and employment basis (i.e. whether they are casual, full-time or a labour hire).
Make sure this information is set up in the employees' accounts.

Gross Pay

Use the Gross Pay tab to get gross payments by gender for a pay run.


Use the Pays tab to get ordinary time pay and overtime pay by gender. You can also get bonuses, commissions and other payments for a pay run.


Use the Hours tab to get the ordinary time hours and overtime hours by gender for a pay run.