Sales with Returns: Implementation Checklist

The following sections provide details you can use to ensure that the system is configured properly for the processing of a sale with a return, and to understand (and change, if needed) the settings that affect the processing workflow.

Implementation Checklist

We recommend that before you initially process a sale with a return in the same order, you make sure that the needed features have been enabled, settings have been specified, and entities have been created, as summarized in the following checklist.

Form Criteria to Check
Multiple forms

Make sure that all necessary settings related to sales orders have been specified, as described in Order Management Basic Configuration: General Information.

Make sure that the Inventory feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and that the processing for orders that have stock items has been configured, as described in Configuration of Order Management: General Information.

Order Types (SO201000) Make sure that the MO order type is active and has been configured, as described in Sales Order Types: General Information.
Customers (AR303000) Make sure that all needed customers have been configured, as described in Customers: General Information.
Stock Items (IN202500)

Make sure that all the stock items have been created, as illustrated in Stock Item Creation: Implementation Activity.

Non-Stock Items (IN202000)

Make sure that all the non-stock items have been created, as illustrated in Creating Non-Stock Items: Implementation Activity.

Other Settings That Affect the Workflow

You can affect the workflow of processing of a sale and a return in the same order by specifying additional settings as follows:

  • To cause inventory issues to be automatically generated and released on the release of sales invoices that contain stock items, select the Automatically Release IN Documents check box on the Sales Orders Preferences (SO101000) form.
  • To configure quick processing for orders of the MO type, on the Template tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form, select the Allow Quick Processing check box. This causes the Quick Processing tab to appear, and you specify the needed settings on this tab. For more information, see Quick Processing of Sales Orders.
  • To cause the system to automatically post general ledger batches generated during the processing of sales documents, select the Automatically Post on Release check box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL102000) form. For information on processing general ledger batches, see GL Transactions: General Information.
  • To cause the system to automatically post inventory transactions to the general ledger, select the Update GL check box on the Inventory Preferences (IN101000) form.

Known Process Limitations

The following limitations apply to the processing of mixed orders and invoices prepared for these orders:

  • One invoice or credit memo (depending on the balance of the order) can be created for one mixed order. If documents are created from the Process Orders (SO501000) form through the Prepare Invoice action, a separate invoice or credit memo will be created for each order.
  • An invoice or credit memo can be created only for the full quantity of items in a mixed order. A user cannot create an invoice or credit memo for a partial quantity of items in the order or order line.
  • A user cannot do the following on the Details tab of the Invoices (SO303000) form:
    • Add a mixed order to the invoice or credit memo by using the Add Order dialog box
    • Add an order line of a mixed order by using the Add SO Line dialog box

Limitations apply to the processing of customer payments and refunds related to mixed orders and their invoices or credit memos. On the Payments tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form and on the Applications tab of the Invoices form, a user cannot do the following:

  • Add an application for an existing payment or for an existing refund.
  • Remove a payment application or refund application from the order or the invoice or credit memo.
  • Change the amount of a payment application or refund application. The application amount can be changed only on the Payments and Applications (AR302000) form.

Validation of Configuration

To make sure that all configuration has been performed correctly, we recommend that in your system, you process a sale with a return by performing instructions similar to those described in Sales with Returns: Process Activity.