Sales with Returns: Mixed Orders and Related Documents

When you need to process a sale and a return in the same order, you create a mixed order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form, create a payment or refund, and then create an invoice or credit memo. The following sections describe this processing in detail, including key settings of these documents.

Creation of a Mixed Order

A mixed order in MYOB Advanced has an order type for which the Mixed Order automation behavior is specified on the Template tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form. You can use the predefined MO order type, which has this automation behavior, for the processing of mixed orders. A mixed order does not support shipments because you use this order for counter sales. For details about order types, see Sales Order Types: General Information.

You create a mixed order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. In the Summary area, you select the type and the customer. Then on the Details tab, you can add lines with items for sale, which have a positive quantity, and lines with items for return, which have a negative quantity.

Each new line that you manually add on the Details tab has the default Issue operation in the Operation column. The Quantity specified for the line affects the value in the Operation column as follows:

  • If you specify a positive quantity for the line (which means that the quantity is being issued for sale), the Issue operation remains unchanged. This line amount increases the balance of the order.
  • If you specify a negative quantity for the line (which means that the customer is returning the quantity), the system automatically changes the operation from Issue to Receipt. This line amount decreases the balance of the order.

You can add an item to be returned from the original invoice by clicking Add Invoice on the table toolbar and selecting the line of the needed invoice in the Add Invoice Details dialog box, which opens. In this case, Receipt is inserted in the Operation column and the negative line quantity (that is, the quantity of the original line with a minus sign) is inserted in the Quantity column.

Depending on whether the order has a positive or negative balance, you then process either a customer payment or a customer refund. For details, see the next section.

Preparation of a Customer Payment or Refund for a Mixed Order

If a mixed order has the Open status, you can create a payment or refund by using the Payments tab of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form as a starting point as follows:

  • If the Order Total value is positive, you can click Create Payment on the table toolbar. You use the Create Payment dialog box, which opens, to specify the payment's settings and create the payment.
  • If the Order Total value is negative, you can click Create Refund on the table toolbar. You use the Create Refund dialog box, which opens, to specify the refund's settings and create the refund.

You can delete an unreleased payment or unreleased refund from the system by clicking the line with the applicable payment or refund on the tab to select it and then clicking the Delete Payment or Delete Refund button, respectively, on the table toolbar of the Payments tab. This deletes the payment or the refund from the current tab and from the system.

Also, if a payment was made by credit card and the payment has the Open status, you can void the payment on the Payments tab of the Sales Orders form by clicking the line with the payment, and then clicking the Void Card Payment button on the table toolbar.

Preparation of an Invoice or Credit Memo for a Mixed Order

To prepare an invoice or a credit memo for a mixed order, you can click Prepare Invoice on the form toolbar of the Sales Orders (SO301000) form. Depending on the order's balance, the system will create a document on the Invoices (SO303000) form as follows:

  • A document of the Invoice or Cash Sale type if the Order Total is positive or zero
  • A document of the Credit Memo or Cash Return type if the Order Total is negative
Note: The type of document created depends on whether the AR Document Type setting on the Template tab of the Order Types (SO201000) form contains Invoice/Credit Memo or Cash Sale/Cash Return.