Control Accounts: UI Elements for Which Control Accounts Are Expected

For each particular subledger, the following table lists the lookup boxes and columns where the system expects the selected account to be configured as a control account for a particular subledger.

Table 1. UI Elements for Which Control Accounts Are Expected, by Subledger
Form Location on the Form Box or Column Name
Elements in which control accounts for the accounts payable subledger are expected
Vendors (AP303000) GL Accounts tab AP Account box
Vendors GL Accounts tab Prepayment Account box
Vendors GL Accounts tab Retainage Payable Account box
Vendor Locations (AP303010) GL Accounts tab AP Account box
Vendor Locations GL Accounts tab Retainage Payable Account box
Vendor Classes (AP201000) GL Accounts tab AP Account box
Vendor Classes GL Accounts tab Prepayment Account box
Vendor Classes GL Accounts tab Retainage Payable Account box
Employees (EP203000) Financial Settings tab, GL Accounts section AP Account box
Employees Financial Settings tab, GL Accounts section Prepayment Account box
Employee Classes (EP202000) General Settings tab AP Account box
Employee Classes General Settings tab Prepayment Account box
Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AP Account box
Bills and Adjustments Financial Details tab, Link to GL section Retainage Payable Account box
Tax Bills and Adjustments (TX303000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AP Account box
Checks and Payments (AP302000) Financial Details tab, GL Link section AP Account box
Cash Purchases (AP304000) Financial Details tab, GL Link section AP Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the accounts receivable subledger are expected
Customers (AR303000) GL Accounts tab AR Account box
Customers GL Accounts tab Prepayment Account box
Customers GL Accounts tab Retainage Receivable Account box
Customer Locations (AR303020) GL Accounts tab AR Account box
Customer Locations GL Accounts tab Retainage Receivable Account box
Customer Classes (AR201000) GL Accounts tab AR Account box
Customer Classes GL Accounts tab Prepayment Account box
Customer Classes GL Accounts tab Retainage Receivable Account box
Invoices and Memos (AR301000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AR Account box
Invoices and Memos Financial Details tab, Link to GL section Retainage Receivable Account box
Invoices (SO303000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AR Account box
Payments and Applications (AR302000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AR Account box
Cash Sales (AR304000) Financial Details tab, Link to GL section AR Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the taxes subledger are expected
Taxes (TX205000) GL Accounts tab Tax Payable Account box
Taxes GL Accounts tab Tax Claimable Account box
Taxes GL Accounts tab Retainage Tax Payable Account box
Taxes GL Accounts tab Retainage Tax Claimable Account box
Tax Adjustments (TX301000) Document Details tab Account column
Tax Bills and Adjustments (TX303000) Apply Tax To tab Account box
Vendors Tax Agency Settings tab Tax Payable Account box
Vendors Tax Agency Settings tab Tax Claimable Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the inventory subledger are expected
Stock Items (IN202500) GL Accounts tab Inventory Account box
Non-Stock Items (IN202000) GL Accounts tab Expense Accrual Account box
Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) General tab, GL Accounts section Inventory Account box
Warehouses (IN204000) GL Accounts tab Inventory Account box
Posting Classes (IN206000) GL Accounts tab Inventory/Accrual Account box
Element in which a control account for the sales orders subledger is expected
Order Types (SO201000) General tab, Posting Settings section Shipped-Not-Invoiced Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the purchase orders subledger are expected
Landed Cost Codes (PO202000) Landed Cost Accrual Account box
Stock Items GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Non-Stock Items GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Warehouses GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Posting Classes GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Purchase Orders (PO301000) Details tab Accrual Account column
Purchase Receipts Details tab Accrual Account column
Vendors GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Vendor Classes GL Accounts tab PO Accrual Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the fixed assets subledger are expected
Fixed Assets (FA303000) GL Accounts tab Fixed Assets Account box
Fixed Assets GL Accounts tab Accumulated Depreciation Account box
Fixed Asset Classes (FA201000) GL Accounts tab Fixed Assets Account box
Fixed Asset Classes GL Accounts tab Accumulated Depreciation Account box
Elements in which control accounts for the deferred revenue subledger are expected
Deferral Codes (DR202000) Deferral Account box
Deferral Schedule (DR201500) Details tab, Components table Deferral Account box
Stock Items GL Accounts tab Deferral Account box
Non-Stock Items GL Accounts tab Deferral Account box
Posting Classes GL Accounts tab Deferral Account box