
Form ID: (FS400800)

By using this form, you can view a list of the services that have been created in the system. On this form, you can also navigate to the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form to add a new service (which in the system is defined as a non-stock item with the Service type) or to view and edit all the settings of an existing one.

To add a new service, you can click New Record, which brings up the Enter Keys dialog box. Once you enter the value of the Inventory ID in the dialog box and click Finish, the system opens the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form, on which you can enter the details of a new service.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Inventory ID The unique alphanumeric identifier of the service, which is defined in the system as a non-stock item of the Service type.
Item Status The status of the service item, which can be one of the following:
  • Active: Indicates that the service is active to be assigned to a service order or appointment
  • Inactive: Indicates that no operations are allowed for the item
Type The type of the non-stock item.
Class ID The item class the service is associated with.
Estimated Duration The total estimated time that the service will take.
Default Billing Rule The default billing rule used for the service. The options are Time, Flat Rate, and None.
Default Earning Type The default earning type for the service, which determines how the system calculates the cost of employee labor. For details, see Time Activities.
Route Service A check box that indicates (if selected) that the service is used in the service orders of the types with the Route behavior.