Delete Temporary Batches

Form ID: (FS500202)

On this form, you can delete a batch or multiple batches with the Temporary status. The system assigns a batch the Temporary status internally if on the Run Appointment Billing (FS500100) or Run Service Order Billing (FS500600) form, the billing process was interrupted for some reason and was not completed successfully. As a result, the billing documents included in the temporary batch cannot be processed in the system. These temporary batches should be deleted, and a new billing process should be started.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Deletes the batches that you have selected in the table.

Delete All

Deletes all batches listed in the table.


The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this batch in processing if you click Delete on the form toolbar.
Batch Number

The reference number of the generated batch.

Generated In

The type of billing documents in the batch.

Documents Processed

The number of processed documents in the batch.

Up to Date

The end date of the date range for which service documents (service orders or appointments) have been selected for billing.

Billing Cycle

The billing cycle assigned to the customer or customers for which billing documents have been generated.

Billing Period

The financial period in which billing documents have been generated.

Billing Date The billing date that was used for the billing documents that have been generated.
Created On

The date on which the billing process was run for the service documents (service orders or appointments).

Last Modified On

The date on which the billing process was run for the service document or documents (service orders or appointments) and the billing documents have been generated.