
Form ID: (SM208600)

You use this form to create and delete dashboards, and to manage dashboard properties. You can specify the location of a dashboard in the site map and provide access rights to the dashboard. From this form, you can also view a dashboard and reset user copies of the dashboard to the original dashboard settings. For more information on setting up dashboards, see Administering Dashboard Forms.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Reset All User Copies

Overrides all user copies of the dashboard and gives them the original dashboard settings.

This command becomes available when you select an existing dashboard that was created manually or after you save a new dashboard.

Reset to Predefined

Replaces the settings of the dashboard with the predefined settings.

The command appears only for a predefined dashboard that is provided with MYOB Acumatica after you have made changes to this dashboard (adding, modifying, or deleting widgets).


Displays the dashboard selected on the form.

This command becomes available when you select an existing dashboard or after you save a new dashboard.

Publish to the UI Opens the Publish to the UI dialog box, in which you can modify the site map title and screen ID for the dashboard, change default workspace and category, and specify access right.
Unpublish Removes the respective node from the site map, clears the assignment of screen identifier and deletes all configured access rights from the database.
Table 1. Publish to the UI Dialog Box

On this dialog box, you can specify publication settings of the new form, including access rights. This dialog box has the following elements.

Site Map TitleThe name of the form that will be shown on the Site Map form.
WorkspaceThe workspace in the user interface from which the form can be accessed.
CategoryThe name of the category under which the form will be displayed in the selected workspace. .
Screen IDThe identifier to be assigned to the form.
Access Rights

Select one of the following option buttons to indicate which access rights should be specified for the newly added form:

  • Set to Granted for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Granted for all user roles in the system.
  • Set to Revoked for All Roles: The system will set the access rights for this form to Revoked for all user roles in the system.
  • Copy Access Rights from Screen (default): The system will copy the set of the access rights from the specified form.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

PublishPublishes the form and closes the dialog box. That is, it is assigned a screen identifier and becomes available in the specified workspace. Also, the system adds the new site map node for this form to the site map and applies the appropriate access rights to this site map node.
CancelCancels the publication process and closes the dialog box.

Summary Area

You can use this area to create a new dashboard or to select an existing dashboard to view or edit its details.

Element Description
Dashboard ID The unique identifier of the dashboard. For a new dashboard, leave this box blank; once the dashboard is saved, the system will insert its name into this box to serve as the ID.
Name Required. The name of the dashboard. For a new dashboard, type a name that describes the data that is shown on this dashboard.
Site Map Location The position in the site map where the dashboard will be displayed.
Workspace The name of the workspace in the user interface from which the dashboard can be accessed.
Category The category under which the dashboard will be displayed in the selected workspace. For details, see Categories and Workspaces for Entities of Specific Forms.
Add New Node

Opens the Add New Dashboard Node dialog box, where you can create a node in the site map for the dashboard.

This button becomes available after you type the name of a new dashboard or select an existing dashboard.

Owner Role Required. The user role that owns the dashboard. A user with this role assigned can design and delete the dashboard, modify the dashboard layout, and edit its settings.
If you will also be configuring the dashboard that you are creating, you should select an owner role that you are assigned to. Otherwise, you will be working with your personal copy of the dashboard, and other users will not see any widgets that you add on the dashboard.
Allow Users to Personalize

A check box that you select to allow other users of your MYOB Acumatica instance who have access to the dashboard to copy the dashboard and modify its settings according to their needs. When they modify the dashboard, the settings of the original dashboard are not changed.

By default, this check box is selected.

Expose to the Mobile Application

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the dashboard is displayed in the MYOB Acumatica mobile app connected to this MYOB Acumatica site. If the check box is selected, a user of the MYOB Acumatica mobile app can view this dashboard on the main menu of the application.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Table 2. Add New Dashboard Node Dialog BoxThis dialog box opens when you click the Add New Node button. By using this dialog box, you can add a new node to the site map for the selected dashboard.
Element Description
Folder The folder in the site map where a new node for the dashboard should be added.
Title The title of the new dashboard node.
This dialog box has the following buttons.
Add Adds a new node for the dashboard to the site map and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without creating a new node for the dashboard.

Visible To Tab

The Visible To tab contains a table with the full list of user roles in the system. This list appears only when a site map location is specified. By using this table, you can manage the access rights of user roles to view the dashboard.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Granted A check box that indicates (if selected) that a user with the role can view the dashboard. You can select and clear check boxes for all roles at once by clicking the check box in the table header.
Role Name The unique identifier of the role.
Role Description The detailed description of the role.

Parameters Tab

You use the Parameters tab to specify the types of fields to be used in the Selection area of the dashboard.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 3. Table Columns
Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the parameter is active and appears in the Selection area of the dashboard.
Is Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this parameter is required on the dashboard. That is, widgets whose data is filtered by this parameter do not display any data until a user selects the parameter value in the Selection area of the dashboard.

The name of the parameter.

The name is used during dashboard creation and editing on the current form. It is used by default as the display name, but you can specify a different display name in the Display Name box.

Schema Object The data access class (DAC) that contains the field whose values are used for the parameter.
Schema Field Optional. The field from the selected DAC whose values are used as the parameter values. If no field is specified, the parameter will be a simple text box.
Display Name Optional. The name for the parameter that is displayed in the Selection area of the dashboard. If this column is empty, the system uses the value from the Name column as the display name.
From Schema A check box that indicates (if selected) that in the Default Value column of this row the system displays the values of the field selected in the Schema Field column as a drop-down list.
Default Value

Optional. The default value of the parameter.

If the From Schema check box is selected in this row, you can select one of the existing values of the field selected in the Schema Field column of the row. If the From Schema check box is cleared, you can type any value.

For a data field of the date type that is based on a schema field (that is, the From Schema check box is selected), you can select one of the following date-relative parameters in the Calendar dialog box (which is opened when you click the down arrow icon in the box):

  • @Today: The business day.
  • @WeekStart and @WeekEnd: The start and end, respectively, of the current week. The start and end of the week are determined according to the default system locale or the locale the user has selected when signing in to MYOB Acumatica. The system locales are specified and configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.
  • @MonthStart and @MonthEnd: The start and end, respectively, of the current month.
  • @QuarterStart and @QuarterEnd: The start and end, respectively, of the current quarter.
  • @PeriodStart and @PeriodEnd: The start and end, respectively, of the current financial period. The financial periods are defined on the Financial Year (GL101000) form.

    For more information on financial periods in MYOB Acumatica, see Managing Financial Periods.

  • @YearStart and @YearEnd: The start and end, respectively, of the current calendar year.

All the date-relative parameters use the date of the server used to run the MYOB Acumatica instance as the current date. Additionally, you can modify the date-relative parameters by adding or subtracting integers. The unit of measure of the parameter is determined automatically and the reference point is moved based on the measurement of the parameter—for example, @WeekStart+1 relates to the start of the next week.

Widgets Tab

You use the Widgets tab to make a widget active or inactive on the selected dashboard. You activate or deactivate the widget by selecting or clearing the Active check box for the widget. An inactive widget is not shown on the dashboard in either View mode or Design mode. You can remove a widget from the selected dashboard if you do not use it anymore.

Also, you can view the row and column that denote the location of the widget on the dashboard.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 4. Table Columns
Column Description

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the widget is active and appears on the dashboard.

Owner Name

The name of the user that owns the widget (if any).

If a user creates a personalized copy of a dashboard, the system creates the copies of the widgets on this dashboard and lists the copied widgets on the Widgets tab.


The title of the widget that was specified in the Widget Properties dialog box and is shown on the dashboard.


The number of the column in which the widget is located on the dashboard.

A widget in the top left corner of a working area has a location of 0, 0: the 0 row and the 0 column. For details, see Dashboards: Widget Location Within a Working Area.


The number of the row in which the widget is located on the dashboard.

A widget in the top left corner of a working area has a location of 0, 0: the 0 row and the 0 column. For details, see Dashboards: Widget Location Within a Working Area.

Widget Type

The type of the widget, which can be one of the following: Chart, Data Table, Embedded Page, Header, Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Link, Pivot Table, Power BI Tile, Trend Card KPI, or Wiki Page.


The source of the widget’s data, which based on the widget type can be one of the following:

  • For a widget of a type that is based on a generic inquiry, such as Chart, Data Table, KPI, Pivot Table, Trend Card KPI, or Link: The screen ID of the generic inquiry
  • For a widget of the Wiki Page type: The identifier of the wiki page
  • For a widget of the Embedded Page type: The URL of the webpage
Widget Class

The class of the widget, which is used in the source code of MYOB Acumatica.