Merged DAC Relations

Form ID: (SM402000)

You can use this form to view details of the merged data access classes (DACs) defined in the system and the relations between them. The form displays references for merged DACs, that is not only the selected DAC itself but also for its aliases defined in different namespaces.

In the DAC Full Name box of the form, you can select a DAC from a list of DACs that contains the following:

  • All DACs defined in the PX.Data and PX.Objects namespaces
  • All DACs that reference or are referenced by any other DACs defined in the PX.Data and PX.Objects namespaces or in the published customization projects

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

You use elements in this area to select a DAC and view basic information about it.

Element Description
DAC Full Name The full name of the selected DAC, including the namespace and the class name.
Class Name The name of the DAC that includes the names of the declaring classes.

For a nested class, the box shows both the outer class name and the nested class name.

Namespace The namespace where the DAC is declared.
Short Name The name of the DAC that does not include the names of the declaring classes.

For a nested class, only the nested class name (without the outer class name) is shown.

Base Class The base class of the DAC.
Description The description of the DAC from XML comments in the code of the DAC.
Has Incoming A check box that indicates whether the DAC has incoming references. If this check box is selected, the DACs that reference the selected DAC are listed on the Incoming References tab.
Has Outgoing A check box that indicates whether the DAC has outgoing references. If this check box is selected, the DACs that are referenced in the selected DAC are listed on the Outgoing References tab.

Incoming References Tab

This tab contains a table with the DACs that reference the DAC selected in the DAC Full Name box in the Selection area.
As is the case with other tables, you can click Switch Between Grid and Form on the table toolbar to toggle between grid view (the standard tabular view) and form view (which shows the boxes and other elements of the selected row). Some of the elements of this tab are available only in form view, as noted in their descriptions.
Table 1. Elements
Element Description
Child Table The name of the DAC that references the DAC selected in the Selection area.
Child Key Fields The key field or fields of the DAC.
Parent Table The name of the class from which the DAC is inherited.
Parent Key Fields The key field or fields of the parent DAC.
Achieved By The way the reference to the class was defined. The reference could have been made in a selector, a parent attribute, a foreign reference attribute, or a condition in a JOIN or WHERE statement.
Behavior The behavior of the reference. The value is similar to the behavior of a foreign key of a database table: No Action, Restrict, SetDefault, SetNull, or Cascade.

Note that foreign keys are defined not in the database but in the code of the DAC.

Description The description of the DAC.
Parent Select The select statement in the parent DAC that contains conditions for only the current DAC. You can use this statement to select the parent entity from the child entity (for example, to get an order from an order line).
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.
Child Select The select statement in the child DAC that contains conditions for only the current DAC. You can use this statement to select the child entity from the parent entity (for example, to select all order lines for an order).
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.

The statement may be equal to the statement in the Parent Select box if the DAC is referencing itself.

Substitute Children The DAC from which the reference to the child DAC was merged.
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.
Substitute Parents The DAC from which the reference to the parent DAC was merged.
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.

The DAC name in this box may be equal to the DAC in the Substitute Children box if the DAC is referencing itself.

Outgoing References Tab

The tab contains a table with the DACs that are referenced in the DAC selected in the Selection area.
As is the case with other tables, you can click Switch Between Grid and Form on the table toolbar to toggle between grid view (the standard tabular view) and form view (which shows the boxes and other elements of the selected row). Some of the elements of this tab are available only in form view, as noted in their descriptions.
Table 2. Elements
Element Description
Child Table The name of the DAC that is referenced by the DAC selected in the Selection area.
Child Key Fields The key field or fields of the DAC.
Parent Table The name of the class from which the DAC is inherited.
Parent Key Fields The key field or fields of the parent DAC.
Achieved By The way the reference to the class was defined. The reference could have been made in a selector, a parent attribute, a foreign reference attribute, or a condition in a JOIN or WHERE statement.
Behavior The behavior of the reference which is similar to the behavior of cascading actions in SQL Server. The box can have one of the following values: No Action, Restrict, SetDefault, SetNull, or Cascade. For details on these options, see the Cascading Referential Integrity section in Primary and Foreign Key Constraints.

Note that foreign keys are defined not in the database but in the code of the DAC.

Parent Select The select statement in the parent DAC that contains conditions for only the current DAC. You can use this statement to select the parent entity from the child entity (for example, to get an order from an order line).
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.
Child Select The select statement in the child DAC that contains conditions for only the current DAC. You can use this statement to select the child entity from the parent entity (for example, to select all order lines for an order).
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.

The statement may be equal to the statement in the Parent Select box if the DAC is referencing itself.

Substitute Children The DAC from which the reference to the child DAC was merged.
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.
Substitute Parents The DAC from which the reference to the parent DAC was merged.
Grid view does not show a column for this element; instead, this box is available when you use form view to explore the details of the selected table row.

The DAC name in this box may be equal to the DAC in the Substitute Children box if the DAC is referencing itself.