Portal Map

Form ID: (SM200521)

You use this form to view and edit the structure of the Customer Portal. The system modules and the forms within them are organized hierarchically in a tree view. You can edit the form names as they are presented in the system tree and move the forms up or down in the list.

This form is also available in the Configuration suite of your Customer Portal instance. To access the Configuration suite, sign in to the Customer Portal instance with an account that has Administrator credentials.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

System Tree Pane

In this pane, system modules are represented as first-level nodes. Click a node icon to the left of any module to expand the node and view the hierarchical structure of the module. Some modules have a one-level list of forms, while other modules have a two-level list. When you click a node, the table displays the list of its components with their details.

All wikis are represented by non-expandable nodes. To view the map of any wiki, use the Wiki Site Map (SM202010) form.


In the table, you can view and edit the details of the forms within a node, including relative paths to icons and URLs of the forms on the website.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Move Row Up Moves the selected item one position up in the list of the same-level items.
Move Row Down Moves the item one position down in the list of the same-level items.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Screen ID The screen ID of the item.
Title The title of the module, section within a module, or form.
Icon The relative path to the icon used to designate the item (module, section, or form).
URL The URL of the item (module, section, or form).
Graph Type The identifier of a system graph that provides the functionality for the item module.graph name. A system graph is a system object that supports one or more forms and their functionality.
Expanded A check box that you select if you want the system to expand the node when you open the node in the navigation pane.