Generate Intercompany Purchase Receipts

Form ID: (PO504000)

You use this form to specify criteria for filtering the shipments and then to process all of the listed documents or only selected ones. By using this form, you can create purchase receipts for the selected shipments.

This form can be accessed only if the Inter-Branch Transactions and Inventory and Order Management features have been enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Initiates the processing for the documents you have selected in the table.

Process All Initiates the processing for all documents listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can define the criteria for the documents to be displayed in the table below.

Element Description
Date The date as of which the documents should be loaded. The system will load documents with a document date earlier than or the same as the specified date. By default, the current business date is specified.
Purchasing Company The purchasing company or branch. The list in this box contains the companies or branches that have been extended as customers. If the current branch of the user has been extended from a customer, this branch will be selected by default.
Selling Company The selling company or branch. The list in this box contains the companies or branches that have been extended as vendors. By default, empty.
Put Created Receipts on Hold The check box that indicates (if selected) that the purchase receipts will be created with the On Hold status. If the check box is cleared, the purchase receipts will be created with the Balanced status.


The table contains the list of shipments that match the specified selection criteria.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Purchasing Company The ID of the purchasing company or branch.
Selling Company The ID of the selling company or branch.
Shipment Nbr. The number of the shipment.
Shipment Date The date of the shipment.
Shipped Quantity The quantity of items shipped.
Warehouse ID The warehouse from which the items are shipped.
Description The description of the shipment.
Excluded The check box that indicates (if selected) that the shipment will be excluded from processing after you click Process or Process All on the current form.
Related PO Nbr. The reference number of the purchase order for which the sales order of the shipment has been created. The number is copied from the Related Order Nbr. box in the Intercompany Purchase section of the Shipping tab of the sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) form.
Related PO Receipt Nbr. The reference number of the generated purchase receipt linked to the shipment.
Package Weight The total weight of the shipment that includes the weight of boxes.
Packages The number of boxes included in this shipment.
Shipped Volume The total volume of the items in the shipment.
Shipped Weight The weight of the goods shipped.
Status The status of the shipment.
Workgroup The ID of a workgroup to which the shipment was assigned for processing.