To Void a Prepayment Request

You enter a prepayment in the standard way in two stages. First, you create a document of the Prepayment type by using the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form, and then you create a payment to pay for this prepayment by using the Checks and Payments (AP302000) form. The prepayment is then released.

In some situations, you might want to void a prepayment that was not paid—for instance, if the prepayment document was mistakenly entered into the system. For details, see Bill Prepayments: General Information.

This topic describes how to void a prepayment —that is, a document with the Prepayment type created on the Bills and Adjustments form.

To Void a Prepayment

  1. Open the Bills and Adjustments (AP301000) form.
  2. In the Type box, select Prepayment.
  3. In the Reference Nbr. box, select the prepayment to be voided.
  4. On the More menu (under Corrections), click Void. The status of the prepayment changes to Voided.
  5. Click Save.
When you void a prepayment because no actual prepayment had been made, no batch is created and the voided prepayment may not be applied to an AP payment.