Print / Email AP Remittance Advice

Form ID: (MB.AP.50.53)

You can use this form to send out remittance advice for Batch Payments, either by printing out documents or by sending them via email.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Process Initiates processing, based on the selected action, of the selected documents.
Process All Initiates processing of all documents, with the specific type of processing dependent on the action selected, listed in the table.

Selection Area

Use the elements in this area to select the payments to be displayed in the table.

Element Description
Action The action to be taken when Process or Process All is invoked. The following options are available:
  • Email Remittance: Generates emails containing remittance advice.
  • Print Remittance: Generates printable remittance advice using the Remittance Advice (MB.AP.60.00) report.
Batch Reference Number Select a specific Batch Payment by its reference ID number, or leave this field bank to show payments from all batches.
Supplier Select a supplier to show only batches for that supplier, or leave this field blank to show batches for all suppliers.
Payment Method Select a payment method to show only payments that use that method, or leave this field bank to show all payments.
Cash Account Select a cash account to show only payments that use that account, or leave this field bank to show all payments.
Include Previously Emailed Remittance If this check box is ticked, payments whose remittances have already been emailed will not be displayed in the main table.
Include Previously Printed Remittance If this check box is ticked, payments whose remittances have already been printed will not be displayed in the main table.
Batch Payment Dates Within The Last If this check box is ticked, only payments with Batch Dates within the specified number of days will be displayed in the main table.


This table displays a list of payments that meet the selection criteria you have selected.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you can tick to include this payment when you click Process.
Batch Reference Nbr. The unique reference ID number of the Batch Payment that the payment is included in.
Batch Date The date when the payment's batch was created.
Reference Nbr. The unique reference number of the payment's batch.
Supplier The supplier specified on the payment document.
Payment Ref. The reference number of the payment in the batch.
Currency The payment's currency.
Payment Amount The amount of the payment.
Cash Account The cash account used for payment.
Payment Method The payment method associated with the cash account.
Last Emailed Date If remittance for the payment has already been sent by email, this will display the date when the email operation was processed.
Last Printed Date If remittance for the payment has already been printed, this will display the date when the print operation was processed.
Batch File Export Time The time when the payment's batch was exported.