Manage Picking Queue

Form ID: (SO503075)
This form is available only if the Paperless Picking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

You use this form to manage the picking queue by sending pick lists to the queue or removing pick lists from the queue. You can also change the priority of pick lists or assign a pick list to a particular picker.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Process Initiates the selected processing (based on the Action you select) for the pick lists you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the selected processing (based on the Action you select) for all pick lists listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can define the criteria for the pick lists to be displayed in the table below, as well as the action to be taken if you click Process or Process All.

Element Description

The action to be taken if you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar. Select one of the following options:

  • Send to Picking Queue: To add a pick list to the picking queue.

    When this option is selected, the system displays all single-shipment, wave, and batch pick lists with the On Hold status in the table below.

  • Change Picking Priority: To change the priority of a pick list. When this option is selected, the system displays the Set Picking Priority to box in the Processing Parameters section that appears in the Selection area.

    When this option is selected, the system displays all single-shipment, wave, and batch pick lists with the On Hold, Added in Queue, Assigned, Being Picked, and Returned to Queue status in the table below.

  • Assign Pick Lists: To assign a pick list to a selected picker. When this option is selected, the system displays the Assign to Picker box in the Processing Parameters section that appears in the Selection area.
  • Remove from Picking Queue: To remove a picking list from the picking queue and assign the On Hold status to the pick list.

    When this option is selected, the system displays all single-shipment, wave, and batch pick lists with the Added in Queue, Assigned, and Returned to Queue status in the table below.

Pick List Type

The type of the pick list to be shown. The following options can be selected:

  • All
  • Shingle-Shipment
  • Wave
  • Batch

The priority of the picking list which shows the urgency of the picking. The following options can be selected:

  • All
  • Urgent
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
End Date

The date by which the picking list must be picked.

By default, the system inserts the current business date specified in the upper-right corner of the top pane.


The warehouse from which the items will be picked.

Inventory ID

The particular inventory item included in each pick list to be listed. You can leave the box blank to view pick lists that include all items, or select a particular item to filter the shipments by this item; alternatively, you can click the List button next to the box, and in the dialog box that opens, add multiple inventory items, so that you can filter the shipments in the table by these items.


The particular warehouse location of items included in pick lists that will be listed. You can leave the box blank to view pick lists with items in all locations specified, or select a particular location to filter the shipments by this location; alternatively, you can click the List button next to the box, and in the dialog box that opens, add multiple locations, so that you can filter the shipments in the table by these locations.

Max Number of Lines in Pick List

The maximum number of lines in the pick list to be listed in the table. You can leave the box blank to view pick lists with any number of lines, or specify a value to exclude the pick lists that include more lines than the number you specify.

Max Quantity in Lines

The maximum quantity of items in the lines of the pick lists to be listed in the table. You can leave the box blank to view pick lists with any item quantities, or specify a value to exclude the pick lists whose lines have greater item quantities.

The Process Parameters section includes the following elements, which are used during the processing of pick lists. The specific elements that appear depend on the action you have selected for processing, as well as the features enabled in your system.
Set Picking Priority to

The priority that the system will assign to a pick list when you select the Process command. This box appears only when you select the Change Picking Priority option in the Action box.

The following options can be selected:

  • Urgent
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

This box appears only if the Change Picking Priority action is selected in the Action box.

Assign to Picker

The user account of a picker to pick the items in the pick list.

This box appears only if the Assign Pick Lists action is selected in the Action box.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description

An unlabeled check box that you select to include this pick list for processing if you click Process.

Pick List Type

The type of the pick list. This column can have the following values:

  • Single-Shipment: The pick list has been generated for a single shipment which is not included into wave or batch.
  • Wave: The pick list is generated by the wave-picking worksheet.
  • Batch: The pick list is generated by the batch-picking worksheet.
Pick List Nbr.

The reference number of the pick list. You can click this number to open the details of the pick list in a dialog box.


The status of the pick list. This column can have the following values:

  • On Hold
  • Added in Queue
  • Assigned
  • Being Picked
  • Returned to Queue
Pick List Date

The date of the pick list.


The priority of the picking list which shows the urgency of the picking. This column can have the following values:

  • Urgent
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
Assigned Picker

The user account of a picker to whom the manager has assigned the pick list.

Actual Picker

The user account of a picker who picked the items in the pick list.

Path Length

The total length of the path that a picker will pass while picking the pick list.

Customer ID

The unique identifier of the customer that ordered the goods or services.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Customer Location ID

The identifier of the customer's location that is specified in the shipment.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Customer Location Name

The description of the customer's location that is specified in the shipment.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Customer Name

The name of the customer that ordered the goods or services.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Ship Via

The carrier through which the items are shipped.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Ship Via Description

The description provided for the carrier.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Shipped Quantity

The total quantity of the items in the shipment.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Shipped Volume

The total volume of the items in the shipment.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.

Shipped Weight

The weight of the items being shipped.

This column is hidden by default. It can contain a value only for pick lists with the Single-Shipment status.