To Attach a File to a Record

You can attach a file, such as a scanned document with a signature, to a record (that is, an entity or a document created on a data entry form), as described in this topic.

To Attach a File to a Record

To attach a file to a record, use one of the following methods:

  • Drag the file:
    1. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach the file to.
    2. Open the folder or library where the file is located and drag it to the Summary area of the form.
  • Use the Files dialog box:
    1. Open the form, and then select the record you want to attach the file to.
    2. On the form title bar, click Files.
    3. In the Files dialog box, click Browse.
    4. Select the file you want to attach, click Open, and then click Upload.

The system attaches the file to the record and increments the counter of files attached to the selected record.