To Rename an Article

You can rename any article. An article is identified by its name and ID, and you can change either or both of these attributes. The system displays the article name in the wiki tree and at the top of the article. You use the article ID (and, optionally, the name) when you create links to the article.

To rename an article, do the following:

  1. Open the article.
  2. On the wiki toolbar, click Edit Current Article to open the Wiki Editor form.
  3. Optional: On the Content tab, change the article name in the Name box.
  4. Optional: Change the article identifier in the Article ID box.
  5. On the Wiki Editor form toolbar, click Save. If you have changed the name, the system displays the new name in the wiki tree. If you have changed the article ID, the system automatically updates all links to the article to reflect the new article ID.