To Apply Templates to a Wiki

You use the Wiki (SM202005) form to apply the templates you have defined to the wiki you select.

Before You Proceed

Make sure that you have created the templates for the wiki. For details, see To Create a Wiki Template.

To Apply Templates to a Wiki

  1. Open the Wiki (SM202005) form.
  2. In the General section, select a wiki by its identifier in the ID box.
  3. On the Wiki Settings tab, in the Template box, select the template that has been defined for the articles in the wiki.
  4. In the Print Template box, select the template that has been defined for printing purposes.
  5. In the Header box, select the template that has been defined for the header.
  6. In the Footer box, select the template that has been defined for the footer.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Save.