Teams Activity

Form ID: (CR306040)

You use this form to create a Teams activity that you use to share a record in MYOB Acumatica with a Teams channel or a member, or to send messages to these recipients. You can also use the form to view the details of an existing Teams activity.

You do not open this form through a search or by clicking a link in a workspace. Instead, you open it from a form where you are viewing the record to be shared. Depending on whether the form has an Activities tab, you do one of the following:

  • On the Activities tab of the form—such as the Cases (CR306000) or Customers (AR303000) form—you click Create Activity > Create Teams Message.
  • If the form does not have the Activities tab—for example, the Sales Orders (SO301000) form—you click Activities on the form title bar. In the Tasks & Activities dialog box, you click Add Activity > Teams.

This form is available in the system only if the Teams Integration feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description

Sends a message with the link to the record to the specified Teams channel, member, or both.

This button is available if you specify a Teams channel in the Channel box or a member in the Member box.

Summary Area

In this area, you can specify the settings of a new activity or view the settings of an existing activity

Element Description

The Teams channel to which you want to send the message.


The member of a Teams channel to whom you want to send the message.


The subject of the message.

If you have created the activity on the Cases (CR306000) form, this box contains the ID and the subject of the case. If you have created the activity from another form, this box is empty.

Source Information

An area in the upper right part of the form box that contains a variety of read-only elements. The specific elements depend on the type of the related entity (that is, the type of record created on the form you were using when you opened the current form).

Message Tab

The tab contains an area where you can enter the message that is sent when this Teams notification template is used. The area consists of the following:

  • A formatting toolbar, with buttons you can use to edit text, change the typographical treatment of the text, and format it. You can also click buttons to add files and insert images.
  • A text area, where you can enter the message. You can type the message here and edit it by using the buttons on the formatting toolbar.

For details on the buttons available on the toolbar, see Formatting Toolbar.

Details Tab

You use this tab to enter or view the settings of the message.

Element Description

The start date and time of the activity. The system automatically inserts the date and time when the activity was created.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that this is an incoming activity.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity is hidden from external users. By default, the check box is cleared.


The workgroup associated with the activity.


The username of the employee responsible for this activity.

By default, this box contains the name of the currently signed-in user.

Related Entity Description

Read-only. The description of the record that is associated with the activity.

This box contains the record ID and other information depending on the type of the record (for example, the type of the order for a purchase order, or the summary for a case).


Read-only. The parent record for this activity.


The project associated with this activity (or the non-project code, which indicates that this activity is not associated with any project defined to the system).

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the system inserts X in the box.

Certified Job

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity is a certified job.

The system automatically selects this check box if for the associated project, the Certified Job check box is selected on the Summary tab (Project Properties section) of the Projects (PM301000) form.

The box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

Project Task

The particular project task with which this activity is associated. You can select only a project task of the project selected as the Project. If you select a project that has a default project task, this task is automatically populated in the column.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

Cost Code

The cost code with which this activity is associated to track project costs and revenue.

This box is available if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000), the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

Labor Item

The non-stock item of the Labor type associated with the activity.

By default, the system inserts the labor item associated with the owner of this activity. You can clear the box if a labor item has been inserted or select a labor item manually, if needed.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

Union Local

The union local associated with the activity.

This box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

Message Status

The status of the activity, which can be one of the following: Draft, Pending Processing, Processing, Scheduled, Processed, Canceled, Failed, or Deleted.

Track Time and Costs

A check box that you select if you are tracking the time and costs for this activity. If the check box is selected, the tab shows elements that you can use to enter the time-related information for the activity.

This check box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


The status of the record for which the message was generated.

The set of available statuses is dependent on the form where the associated record was created.

If the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, this box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.


The person who is responsible for approving the activity.

If the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, this box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

Earning Type

The earning type for the activity, which is used to determine how labor is costed.

If the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, this box is shown if the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

WCC Code

The work class compensation code associated with the activity.

This box is shown only if the Construction feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

Time Spent

The number of hours spent on the activity.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the time spent on the activity is billable.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.


A check box that indicates (if selected) that the activity has been released.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.

If the Time Management feature is disabled, the box is shown only if the activity was created from the Projects (PM301000) or Project Tasks (PM302000) form.

Billable Time

The number of billable hours spent on the activity.

This box is shown if the Time Management feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the Track Time and Costs check box is selected on this tab of the current form.