Data Providers

Form ID: (SM206015)

You use this form to create a provider for data import or data export; you can also use the form to view the details of existing providers. You can configure providers to work with files in CSV, Excel, and XML format and with different external systems.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

If you have exported to XML a file data provider that has a file attached to the form (by using the Clipboard > Export to XML standard button on the form toolbar), when you import the data of the provider (by using Clipboard > Import from XML), you need to attach the file to the data provider manually.
Table 1. Form-Specific Buttons
Button Description
Get File Link Opens the Attached File Link dialog box, where you can get a link to the file attached to the provider.
Log In

Brings up the HubSpot sign-in page in a pop-up window.

This button appears only if HubSpot Enhanced is selected in the Provider Type box in the Summary area of the form.

Test Connection

Tests the connection with the website of the selected data provider.

This button appears only if HubSpot Enhanced is selected in the Provider Type box in the Summary area of the form.

Table 2. Attached File Link Dialog BoxThe dialog box, which is brought up when you click Get File Link on the form toolbar, has the following elements.
Element Description
Link The internal link to the file that is attached to the provider.
The dialog box has the following button.
Close Closes the dialog box.

Summary Area

You use this area to identify the provider. You can specify the name and details for a new provider, or you can select an existing provider and view its information.

Element Description
Name The name of the provider, which usually describes the data you will transfer by using this provider. You can use an alphanumeric string of up to 100 characters.
Provider Type
The type of provider, such as the following:
  • File providers that you use to access data in external files:
    • CSV Provider (PX.DataSync.CSVSYProvider): For import from and export to files in CSV format. For details about creation of CSV providers, see To Create a CSV Data Provider.
    • Excel Provider (PX.DataSync.ExcelSYProvider): For import from and export to Excel spreadsheets. For more information about creation of Excel providers, see To Create an Excel Data Provider.
    • XML Provider (PX.DataSync.XMLSYProvider): For import from and export to files in XML format. For details about XML providers, see To Create an XML Data Provider.
  • Providers that are preconfigured for importing data from and exporting data to external systems:
    • Salesforce Provider (PX.DataSync.SFSYProvider): For import from and export to SalesForce CRM by using the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
    • Salesforse Sync (PX.Salesforce.SalesforceProvider): For real-time synchronization of data between MYOB Acumatica and Salesforce. For more information, see Setting Up Synchronization with Salesforce.
    • MS SQL Provider (PX.DataSync.MSSqlSYProvider): For import from and export to Microsoft SQL Server.
    • HubSpot Provider (PX.DataSync.HubSpot.HSSYProvider): For exporting leads to HubSpot for nurturing and importing leads to MYOB Acumatica for processing. Find more information in Integration with HubSpot: General Information.
    • HubSpot Enhanced (PX.DataSync.HubSpot.HubSpotProvider): For synchronization of data between MYOB Acumatica and HubSpot. This data provider supports the use of the OAuth protocol for authorization in HubSpot. For details, see Integration with HubSpot: Enhanced HubSpot Data Provider.
  • Providers for exporting payment data to external payment systems:
    • ACH Provider (PX.DataSync.ACHProvider): For exporting data for processing in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.
    • ACH Download Provider (PX.DataSync.ACHPDownloadrovider): For exporting data for processing in the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system, with the ability to create prenotes.
    • Giro Payment Provider (PX.DataSync.Banks.GIROPaymentProvider): For exporting data for processing in giro-based payment systems.
    • CPA 005 Provider (PX.Objects.Localizations.CA.DataSync.CPA005ExportProvider): For exporting data for processing in the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) system (used in the Canadian localization).
  • Business Process Provider (PX.DataSync.BusinessProcessSYProvider): For business process monitoring in MYOB Acumatica. You generally do not create data providers of this type manually. The system creates providers of this type automatically when you click Create Subscriber > Import Scenario on the table toolbar of the Subscribers tab of the Business Events (SM302050) form. For details, see Business Events: Subscribers.
  • Provider for importing data from generic inquiries (PX.DataSync.GenericInquirySYDataProvider): The data provider type to use a generic inquiry as the data provider for an import scenario.
The Tax Provider, Tax Provider CSV, and Tax Zip Provider built-in types are obsolete. They were used to import data from the Avalara data files, but Avalara no longer supplies these files. Integration with Avalara is done through the Avalara AvaTax SOAP API.
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that this provider is active and will be available for selection on the MYOB Acumatica forms related to data import.

Parameters Tab

The Parameters tab provides the list of parameters specific for the selected provider type. For a new provider, fill in the columns.

Table 3. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Reload Parameters Reloads the default values of the parameters specific to the provider type.
Table 4. Table Columns
Column Description
Name The name of the parameter, which is specific to the provider type. For details about the parameters of the providers, follow the links below:
Description The description of the parameter.
Value The value of the parameter to be used by the provider.
Table 5. CSV Data Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
FileName The name of the file that should be used for data import or data export; this parameter is standard for file providers. The path to the file is set automatically after you have uploaded an external file to the provider.
Encoding The encoding of the source file. You can select the proper encoding value from the drop-down list in the Value column of the table on the Parameters tab. By default, the value of the parameter is set to US-ASCII.
Delimiter The delimiter that is used in the CSV file. You can use as a delimiter any character provided by the system or specify a custom character. The predefined system characters are the following:
  • .
  • , (default)
  • TAB
  • ;
  • |
  • ^
QuoteAll A Boolean value that (if set to True) makes the provider enclose all values from the source file in double quotes. By default, the system does not enclose source values in double quotes.
Table 6. Excel Data Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
FileName The name of the file that should be used for data import or data export; this parameter is standard for file providers.
Table 7. XML Data Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
FileName The name of the file that should be used for data import or data export; this parameter is standard for file providers.
Encoding The encoding of the source file. You can select the proper encoding value from the drop-down list in the Value column of the table on the Parameters tab. By default, the value of the parameter is set to US-ASCII.
The format of the XML file, which can be one of the following:
  • Tree (default): The source file has a tree structure; that is, the values of the source fields are placed in tags of the source XML file.
  • Flat: The source file has a flat structure; that is, the values of the source fields are placed in attributes of tags in the source XML file.

For details about the XML formats that can be used, see To Create an XML Data Provider.

Table 8. Microsoft SQL Data Provider Parameters
Parameter Description
Server Required. The location of the Microsoft SQL Server instance. You set the parameter to the server name for a default instance of Microsoft SQL Server (for example, MyServer), and to the server name and instance name for a named instance of Microsoft SQL Server (for example, MyServer\MyInstance). If a default instance of Microsoft SQL Server is installed on the same computer where MYOB Acumatica is installed, you can set the value of the parameter to (local).
Database Required. The name of the database on the server.
Login Required. The login for accessing the Microsoft SQL Server database.
Password Required. The password for accessing the Microsoft SQL Server database.

The column of the database table or view that contains the date when the record was most recently modified. This parameter is necessary only if you want MYOB Acumatica to use the synchronization type of an import scenario based on the Microsoft SQL provider.

For details on the synchronization types, see the description of the Sync Type box in the Import Scenarios (SM206025) form reference topic.

CreatedDateColumn The column of the database table or view that contains the date when the record was created. This parameter is necessary only if you want MYOB Acumatica to use the synchronization type of an import scenario based on the Microsoft SQL provider.

For details on the synchronization types, see the description of the Sync Type box in the Import Scenarios form reference topic.

Authentication The authentication type to be used to connect to the database server. It can be one of the following:
  • SQL: MYOB Acumatica connects through SQL Server authentication. The account you specify should have sufficient rights for making changes to the database. This authentication type is used by default.
  • Windows: MYOB Acumatica connects through a Windows user account with the login and password you provide. Windows authentication works only for a local Microsoft SQL Server or when both application and database servers are members of the same Windows domain.
Table 9. Business Process Data Provider Parameters
Parameter Description

The form ID of the generic inquiry whose data the system should use to process an Import Scenario subscriber of a business event. Business events and their subscribers are defined on the Business Events (SM302050) form.

For details, see Business Events: Subscribers.

Schema Tab

On this tab, you can view and manually correct, if needed, the schema of the data used in the specified external data source (file or application). For a new provider, you can extract the schema from the data source in accordance with the provider type.

If you uploaded a new version of the file for an existing provider, refresh the data schema by filling in schema lines again.

This tab includes two panes: The Source Objects pane contains the table with the list of objects of the data source, and the Source Fields pane contains the table with the list of fields for the object selected in the left pane.

Table 10. Source Objects Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Fill Schema Objects Fills in the objects from the data source in accordance with the provider type. If you don't see this button on the toolbar, click the icon, which displays actions that do not fit on the toolbar.
Edit Command
Opens the Object Command Editor dialog box, where you can type the commands for the selected table line. Click Close to save the command and close the dialog box.
The ORDER BY clause cannot be used in the command.

This button is used for only SQL data providers.

Table 11. Source Objects Table Columns
Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the object should be used for import or export. By default, the check box is not selected.
Object The name of the object in the source, such as a worksheet in an Excel spreadsheet or a data table in the Salesforce application.
The command to be executed for the object during data preparation. For example, you can apply SQL commands to source objects to apply restrictions on the imported records, select particular records from the source database table, or join data from several tables into one object in the data provider.
The ORDER BY clause cannot be used in the command.

This column is used for only SQL data providers.

Table 12. Source Fields Pane Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Fill Schema Fields Fills in the fields from the selected data source object in accordance with the provider type.
Edit Command

Opens the Object Command Editor dialog box, where you can type the commands for the selected table line. Click Close to save the command and close the dialog box.

This button is used for only SQL data providers.

Toggle Activation Reverses the value in the Active column in the selected line and updates the rest of the lines with this value.
Table 13. Source Fields Table Columns
Column Description
Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field can be used in an import or export scenario.
Field The name of the field of the object in the external data source.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field contains the key to the data set of the object.

Currently this column is not used by data providers.

Description The description of the field.
Data Type

The type of data in the field, which can be one of the following options: String, DateTime, Double, Decimal, Boolean, or Int32.

For SQL data providers, the value of this field is filled in automatically from the corresponding property of the columns of SQL tables. For other provider types, you do not need to set the value in this column.

Data Length

The length of the data in the field.

For SQL data providers, the value of this field is filled in automatically from the corresponding property of the columns of SQL tables. For other provider types, you do not need to set the value in this column.


The action to be performed on the field data during data preparation. For example, you can replace the value of a field with some calculated value, or change the value of a field depending on some condition.

This column is only used for SQL data providers.