Customizing a Predefined Workflow from Code

You can customize a workflow in Visual Studio or in the Code Editor with the help of MYOB Acumatica Framework.

This example demonstrates the extending of the workflow for working with an opportunity by using Visual Studio. The predefined workflow for the Opportunities (CR304000) form includes the states (shown in the blue rectangles and representing statuses) and actions shown in the following diagram.

Figure 1. The predefined statuses and actions of opportunities

Suppose that in your customization efforts you need to incorporate a process of assigning a new opportunity before opening it. You need a new status for opportunities called Assigned. A user should be able to change a status from New to Assigned by clicking the Assign action, change the status from Assigned to Open by clicking the predefined Accept action, and change the status from Assigned to New by clicking the Reject action, which you will add. For an opportunity to be assigned, a user must be selected in the Owner box. Also, you need to add an auto-run action named Auto-Assign that is performed if a new opportunity is created and the Owner box is not empty. The Auto-Assign action changes the status of the opportunity to Assigned.

When a user clicks the Accept or Reject action, the user should provide the reason for changing the state. When a user clicks the Assign action, the user should specify the Owner of the opportunity. In both of these situations, you will use a dialog box to obtain this information.

The following diagram presents the possible statuses after customization and the actions that change statuses.

Figure 2. The customized statuses and actions of opportunities

Based on these specifications, you will implement the new workflow for opportunities by performing the following general tasks, which are described in greater detail in the sections that follow:

  1. Adding a new state named Assigned, as described in Add a New State Named Assigned.
  2. Adding the following actions:
    • Assign, which changes the state from New to Assigned
    • Accept, which changes the state from Assigned to Open
    • Reject, which changes the state from Assigned to New
    • AutoAssign, which is performed if the Owner box is not empty

    For details, see Add Actions.

  3. Adding the OwnerNotEmpty condition for the AutoAssign action, as described in Add the OwnerNotEmpty Condition.
  4. Adding dialog boxes for the actions so that a user can provide the required field values. (For instructions, see Add the Dialog Boxes.)
  5. Removing the transition from the New to Open status.
  6. Updating the New state with the following changes:
    • Update the list of values for the Resolution and Status field
    • Adding the Assign and AutoAssign actions
    • Removing the Open action
  7. Updating the Open state to make the Owner field required.
  8. Defining transitions from the New to Assigned states, from Assigned to New and Open states.

    For details on implementing Tasks 5–8, see Update the Workflow Configuration.

Before You Proceed

To be able to customize a workflow in Visual Studio, you need to create an extension library for your customization project. For details, see To Create an Extension Library.

Prepare the Graph Extension

To prepare the graph extension, do the following:

  1. Add the following using directives.
    using PX.Data.WorkflowAPI;
    using PX.Objects.CR.Workflows;

    You need the PX.Data.WorkflowAPI namespace to get access to workflow API, and the PX.Objects.CR.Workflows to get access to the OpportunityWorkflow and OpportunityMaint classes.

  2. Declare the graph extension, as the following code shows.
    public class OpportunityWorkflowExt : PX.Data.PXGraphExtension<OpportunityWorkflow, OpportunityMaint>
  3. In the graph extension, add the following service members. You will use them to declare fields, dialog boxes, and actions.
    private const string
    	_fieldReason = "Reason",
    	_fieldStage = "Stage",
    	_fieldOwnerID = "OwnerID",
    	_fieldDetails = "Details",
    	_formAccept = "FormAccept",
    	_formAssign = "FormAssign",
    	_formReject = "FormReject",
    	_actionAccept = "Accept",
    	_actionReject = "Reject",
    	_actionAssign = "Assign",
    	_actionAutoAssign = "AutoAssign",
    	_reasonUnassign = "UA",
    	_reasonRejected = "RJ",
    	_reasonTechnology = "TH",
    	_reasonRelationship = "RL",
    	_reasonPrice = "PR",
    	_reasonOther = "OT",
    	_reasonAssign = "NA",
    	_reasonInProcess = "IP",
    	_reasonFunctionality = "FC",
    	_reasonCompanyMaturity = "CM",
    	_reasonCanceled = "CL";
  4. Override the Configure method, as the following code shows.
    public override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration config)
      var context = config.GetScreenConfigurationContext<OpportunityMaint, CROpportunity>();

Add a New State Named Assigned

To add the new Assigned state, do the following:

  1. In the graph extension, declare the States class, as the following code shows.
    public static class States
    	public const string
    		New = "N",
    		Open = "O",
    		Won = "W",
    		Lost = "L",
    		Assigned = "A";
  2. In the overridden Configure method, declare the following variable.
    var assignedState = context.FlowStates.Create(States.Assigned, state => state
    	.WithFieldStates(fields =>
    		fields.AddField<CROpportunity.resolution>(field =>
    		fields.AddField<CROpportunity.ownerID>(field =>
    	.WithActions(actions =>
    		actions.Add(g => g.createSalesOrder);
    		actions.Add(g => g.createInvoice);
    		actions.Add(g => g.validateAddresses);
    		actions.Add<OpportunityMaint.Discount>(e => e.recalculatePrices);
    		actions.Add(actionReject, a => a.IsDuplicatedInToolbar());
    		actions.Add(actionAccept, a => a.IsDuplicatedInToolbar());

    In the code above, you define the Assigned state, field values to be assigned in this state, and actions available in this state.

Add the Dialog Boxes

You need to add dialog boxes that will prompt users for more information when they invoke the Accept, Reject, and Assign actions. The following instructions describe how to declare a dialog box for the Accept action; you will add the other two dialog boxes by performing similar actions.

To accept an opportunity, a user should provide the Resolution and Stage field values. To declare a dialog box for the Accept action, declare a variable for the dialog box in the overridden Configure method:

var formAccept = context.Forms.Create(_formAccept, form => form
	.WithFields(fields =>
		fields.Add(_fieldReason, field => field
              fields.Add(_fieldStage, field => field

In the code above, you create a dialog box with the Details title and add to it the following boxes:

  • A box based on the CROpportunity.resolution field, which is required in the dialog box. The title of the corresponding box is Reason.
  • A box based on the CROpportunity.stageID field. The title of the corresponding box is Stage.

For the Assign and Reject actions, you can declare similar dialog boxes named formAssign and formReject. You need to add the Owner field based on the CROpportunity.ownerID field to the formAssign dialog box, and you need to add the Resolution field and the Details field based on the CROpportunity.details field to the formReject dialog box.

Add the OwnerNotEmpty Condition

To define a new condition, in the overridden Configure method, declare the following variable.
var ownerNotNullCondition = context.Conditions.FromExpr(
  opp => opp.OwnerID != null).WithSharedName("OwnerNotEmpty");

Add Actions

To add the Assign action, declare the following variable in the overridden Configure method.

var actionAssign = context.ActionDefinitions.CreateNew(_actionAssign, action => action
	.WithFieldAssignments(fields =>
		fields.Add<CROpportunity.resolution>(f => f.SetFromValue(_reasonAssign));
		fields.Add<CROpportunity.ownerID>(f => f.SetFromFormField(formAssign, _fieldOwnerID));
	.InFolder(FolderType.ActionsFolder, "Lost")

In the code above, you are creating a new action; you are also specifying which field values should change after the action is performed and which dialog box should be shown to provide these values. Also, you are specifying the location of the action on the form toolbar (ActionsFolder), the title of the action (Assign), and the graph of the processing form where the action should also be displayed (UpdateOpportunityMassProcess).

For the Accept and Reject actions, you can add similar variables named actionAccept and actionReject.

To add the auto-run Auto-Assign , which is performed if the OwnerNotEmpty condition is true, declare the following variable in the overridden Configure method.
Note: The Auto-Assign action is performed automatically so it should not be displayed on the form. To hide the action from the form, you call the IsHiddenAlways method.
var actionAutoAssign = context.ActionDefinitions.CreateNew(_actionAutoAssign, action => action
	.WithFieldAssignments(fields =>
		fields.Add<CROpportunity.resolution>(f => f.SetFromValue(_reasonAssign));

Update the Workflow Configuration

To apply all the entities you have declared, you need to call the UpdateScreenConfigurationFor method in the overridden Configure method, as the following code shows.

context.UpdateScreenConfigurationFor(screen =>
  return screen
    .UpdateDefaultFlow(config1 => config1.WithFlowStates
    (states =>
      states.Update(States.New, state => state
       .WithFieldStates(fields =>
         fields.UpdateField<CROpportunity.resolution>(field =>
            .ComboBoxValues(_reasonUnassign, _reasonCanceled, _reasonOther, _reasonRejected));
      .WithActions(actions =>
        actions.Add(actionAssign, a => a

        actions.Add(actionAutoAssign, a => a
      states.Update(States.Open, state => state
        .WithFieldStates(fields =>
          fields.AddField<CROpportunity.ownerID>(field =>
    .WithTransitions(transitions =>
      transitions.Remove(transition => 

      transitions.Add(transition => transition
      transitions.Add(transition => transition
      transitions.Add(transition => transition
        .WithFieldAssignments(fields =>
          fields.Add<CROpportunity.ownerID>(f => f.SetFromExpression(null));
      transitions.Add(transition => transition
    .WithActions(actions =>
    .WithForms(forms =>
    .WithFieldStates(fields =>

      fields.Add<CROpportunity.status>(field => field
            (States.Assigned, "Assigned"),
            (States.New, "New"),
            (States.Open, "Open"),
            (States.Won, "Won"),
            (States.Lost, "Lost")));

      fields.Replace<CROpportunity.resolution>(field => field
                (_reasonTechnology, "Technology"),
                (_reasonRelationship, "Relationship"),
                (_reasonPrice, "Price"),
                (_reasonOther, "Other"),
                (_reasonAssign, "Assigned"),
                (_reasonInProcess, "In Process"),
                (_reasonFunctionality, "Functionality"),
                (_reasonCompanyMaturity, "Company Maturity"),
                (_reasonCanceled, "Canceled"),
                (_reasonRejected, "Rejected"),
                (_reasonUnassign, "Unassign")));
    .WithSharedConditions(conditions => conditions.Add(ownerNotNullCondition));

In the code above, you are updating the workflow by doing the following:

  • Updating the list of states as follows:
    • Updating the New state by adding new combo box values to the CROpportunity.resolution field, adding the Assign and AutoAssign actions, and removing the Open action
    • Adding the Assigned state
    • Updating the Open state by making the Owner field required
  • Updating the list of transitions as follows:
    • Removing the transition of the New state to the Open state
    • Adding the transition from the New state to the Assigned state triggered by the Assign action
    • Adding the transition from the New state to the Assigned state triggered by the AutoAssign action
    • Adding the transition from the Assigned state to the New state triggered by the Reject action
    • Adding the transition from the Assigned state to the Open state triggered by the Accept action
  • Adding the Assign, Accept, Reject, and AutoAssign actions
  • Adding the formAssign, formReject, and formAccept dialog boxes
  • Updating fields as follows:
    • Adding new combo box values to the CROpportunity.status field
    • Replacing the values of the CROpportunity.resolution field with new ones

Test the Customized Workflow

To test the customized workflow, do the following:

  1. Build the extension library.
  2. In MYOB Acumatica, open the Opportunities (CR304000) form.
  3. Create a new opportunity with the Owner box empty.
  4. On the form toolbar, click Actions > Assign.
  5. In the Assign dialog box, which opens, select an owner of the opportunity and a reason, and click OK.
  6. Notice that the status of the opportunity is changed to Assigned. The Owner box now contains the owner you specified in the dialog box.
  7. On the form toolbar, click Actions > Accept.
  8. In the Accept dialog box, which opens, specify a reason and a stage, and click OK.
  9. Notice that the status of the opportunity is changed to Open.
  10. Create a new opportunity with the Owner box filled in.
  11. Notice that when the new record is saved, its status is Assigned instead of New.
  12. On the form toolbar, click Actions > Reject.
  13. In the Reject dialog box, which opens, specify the reason and details, and click OK.
  14. Notice that the status of the opportunity is changed to New.