To Create an Extension Library

To develop customization code in an extension library, you should first create this extension library. This topic describes how to create the extension library using the Customization Project Editor.

To Create an Extension Library

  1. On the main menu of the Customization Project Editor, click Extension Library > Create New.

    The Create Extension Library dialog box opens.

  2. Specify the location and name of the Visual Studio project that will contain the extension library.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box and start the process of creating the library.

During the process, MYOB Advanced Customization Platform creates the following files in the folder specified in the dialog box.

File Description
<Project_name>.sln The Microsoft Visual Studio Solution file
Solution.bat The Windows batch file to open the website solution in Microsoft Visual Studio
Solution.lnk The shortcut file to the project to open the website solution in Microsoft Visual Studio
folder.lnk The shortcut file to the website folder
<Project_name>/<Project_name>.csproj The Visual C# Project file
<Project_name>/Examples.cs The Visual C# Source file that contains examples of source code to customize data access classes and business logic controllers
<Project_name>/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs The Visual C# Source file that contains general information about the assembly

The platform also creates the OpenSolution.bat batch file, which is a copy of the Solution.bat file created in the solution project folder. Depending on the settings of your browser, the OpenSolution.bat file is saved either in the Downloads folder or in another location.