Audit History

Form ID: (SM205530)

You can use this form to view the audit trail of the audited form—that is, the recorded database table changes that are associated with the modifications of the documents made by using the audited form. The audit trail shows the user who modified the document, the date and time of the update, and the details of the modification of the selected database table. You can filter the modifications that you view in any audited database table by user and by date range.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Manage Opens the Audit (SM205510) form for the selected audit.

Selection Area

You use this area to specify the form and database table associated with the form for which you want to view the audit trail. You can also specify a particular user and date range.

Element Description
Screen ID Required. The ID and the name of the screen (form) whose audit trail you want to see.
User The user who made the changes. Select a user if you want to view the changes made by the user. You can leave the box blank to view all recorded changes.
Start Date The start date of the date range during which the changes took place. Specify a date if you want to view the changes made starting with this date.
Table Name Required. The database table for which you want to see the audit trail.
End Date The end date of the date range during which the changes took place. Specify a date if you want to view the changes made up to this date.

Records Table

This table displays the records of the modifications of the selected database table. The contents of this table depend on the database table you selected in the Table Name box.

Events Table

This table shows who changed the record, when were the changes made, what operation was done, and the details of the modifications of the database table.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Operation The type of recorded operation.
Date and Time The date and time of the event.
User The user who modified the record.
Record Columns The columns that display the changes in the selected record. If a column is blank, the value in the column was unmodified.

Update History Dialog Box

If auditing is turned off for a form, and you click the Audit History command in the Tools menu on the form title bar, the Update History dialog box opens instead of the Audit History page. In this dialog box, you can see information about the creation and last modification of the selected document. You can click Enable Field Level Audit to turn on auditing of the form.

Created ByThe user who created the selected document.
Created ThroughThe ID of the form used to create the selected document.
Created OnThe date and time when the selected document was created.
Last Modified ByThe user who made the last modifications to the selected document.
Last Modified ThroughThe ID of the last form used to modify the selected document.
Last Modified OnThe date and time of the last modification to the selected document.
Enable Field Level AuditOpens the Audit (SM205510) form for the selected form.
CancelCloses the dialog box.