Delete Snapshots and Tenants

Form ID: (SM503000)

You can use this form to delete snapshots and tenants. You can delete snapshots and tenants either individually or in bulk.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Process Initiates the selected processing (based on the Action you select) for the tenants or snapshots you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the selected processing (based on the Action you select) for all tenants or snapshots listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify whether you want to delete tenants or snapshots.

Element Description

The type of action to perform.

This box can have one of the following values:

  • Delete Tenant: Lists all tenants in the system, including the corrupted ones (with a corresponding warning in the Tenant ID column).
  • Delete Snapshot: Lists snapshots that belong to a tenant in the system.
  • Delete Orphaned Snapshot: Lists snapshots that do not belong to any tenant in the system.


This table contains the list of tenants or snapshots that match the criteria specified in the Selection area. You can select tenants or snapshots for deletion by using the check boxes in the unlabeled column.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description

An unlabeled check box that you can use to include the tenants or snapshots in processing if you click Process.

Tenant ID

An alphanumeric string identifying the tenant.

This column appears if the Delete Tenant option is selected in the Selection area.

Tenant name

The name of the tenant.

This column appears if the Delete Tenant option is selected in the Selection area.

Snapshot Name

The name of the snapshot.

This column appears if the Delete Snapshot or Delete Orphaned Snapshot option is selected in the Selection area.


The description of the snapshot.

This column appears if the Delete Snapshot or Delete Orphaned Snapshot option is selected in the Selection area.


The visibility of the snapshot.

This column appears if the Delete Snapshot or Delete Orphaned Snapshot option is selected in the Selection area.

Size on Disk (MB)

The size of the tenant or snapshot (in MB).

For tenants, the size is shown only if the space usage was calculated for the tenant on the Space Usage (SM203525) form. For snapshots, the size is shown only if the snapshot was prepared for export on the Tenants (SM203520) form.

The version of the application installed when the snapshot was created.

This column appears if the Delete Snapshot or Delete Orphaned Snapshot option is selected in the Selection area.

The version is shown only if the snapshot was prepared for export on the Tenants (SM203520) form.
Export Mode

The export mode used to create a snapshot. For more information, see Snapshots: General Information.

This column appears if the Delete Snapshot or Delete Orphaned Snapshot option is selected in the Selection area.


The status of the tenant.

This column appears if the Delete Tenant option is selected in the Selection area.

Deletion Status The current deletion status, which can be one of the following:
  • Not Planned: The deletion process has not been initiated for the record.
  • Planned: The record was marked for deletion, but the process has not been started yet.
  • Started: The deletion process was started for the record but has not been completed.
Deletion heartbeat

The time and date of the last database query related to the deletion.

Snapshot ID

An alphanumeric string identifying the snapshot.