Wiki Site Map

Form ID: (SM202010)

On this form, you can view and edit the structure of the wikis.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Left Pane

This pane contains a tree-like structure of all the wikis configured in your organization with all the folders within them. The wikis are represented as first-level nodes. You can click a node icon to the left of any wiki to expand the node and view the hierarchical structure of the wiki. Some wikis have a one-level list of folders, while other wikis have multiple levels. When you click a node, the right pane displays the list of its items (folders and articles) with their details.

The pane toolbar button is listed in the table below.
Button Description
Reload Tree Reloads the wiki site map.

Right Pane

By using this pane, you can view or edit the items of the node selected in the left pane.

Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Select All Selects all the items in the list.
View Article Opens the selected article.
Move Up Moves the selected item up one position in the list.
Move Down Moves the selected item down one position in the list.
Table 2. Table Columns
Column Description
Selected A check box you use to select the item in this row.
ID The ID of the article or folder.
Name The name of the article or folder, which may not be the same as the ID.
Folder A check box you select to indicate that the article is a folder that can contain other articles or folders. A folder appears as a node in the wiki tree. By clearing the check box, you can make the selected folder an article only. If the folder that you're making an article contains folders or articles, they will be moved to the parent folder that holds this article.
Number A number representing the order of the article in the wiki tree.